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I think I was raped I’m confused!! My friends came over to my place to chill and watch m...

Yourravenbich May 25, 2024 4:58 pm

I think I was raped I’m confused!! My friends came over to my place to chill and watch movie. One of my guy friend stay behind cause he lives far from my place. He was really tipsy and we started making out but I told him I don’t wanna fuck with him or anything like that, and I see him as my friend, he got really aggressive, pinned me down and forcefully entered inside me and later told me that I made out with him, intentionally made him horny, he even said I’m not a virgin so it doesn’t matter. The next morning he just left and pretended like nothing happened. He hasn’t talked to me since that day and I’m really confused. I don’t know if I should tell my other friends or talk to him but he looks at me with disgust every time I see him in uni.

    Doseisan May 25, 2024 5:05 pm

    If you did not consent then it is an assault
    Hope that you're in good health
    And if you do have someone you can really trust you should consult with them and if you're willing to, confront the "guy" with someone on you're side

    Lollipop May 25, 2024 5:06 pm

    Were you both tipsy? But i do think he raped/sexually attacked you. I hope you can over come this girl. sorry this happened to you

    gege May 25, 2024 5:09 pm

    That dude is such a bitch the audacity to look at you with disgust and blame you. Im so sorry you're going through this, I think you should tell friends you trust.

    Night May 25, 2024 5:10 pm

    If what u remember is correct than no doubt u were!! (/TДT)/
    And damn that guy cause he has a PhD in Gaslighting and he was tipsy(?...?) Should have either locked him or urself safely if he HAD to stay over or just send him away with the others...

    ʚ ✮ ɞ LUFFY ʚ ✮ ɞ May 25, 2024 5:17 pm

    thats is SA and im so sorry that happened to you. Please take care of yourself and know its not your fault at all. Talking to people you trust might help you come to terms with it and perhaps figure out if you want to press charges which i recommend, that disgusting piece of shit shouldnt be allowed near anyone else. Obviously, thats only if you are prepared and wanting to.

    HollowBrat May 25, 2024 5:29 pm

    If you're not ready to tell your friends, please at least to to your doctor and have it on record. They can make a note of it and also check you for STIs, and if you are feeling confident in the future then you can go to your doctor and ask for the record to make a report to the police.

    But I do also think, if you can, tell your friends. You may save them and other girls from the same fate if they know that he is a rapist. You shouldn't let him get off unscathed socially just because you don't want to cause a fuss. It's okay to be in shock and processing right now though. If you have a close girl friend tell her, and then maybe she can tell everyone else for you, if it's too much for you to tell the whole friend group.

    Willow May 25, 2024 6:43 pm

    I am so sorry that you had to experience something so horrible
    It's definitely rape and you are %100 innocent, based on what you just said

    Please ask some trustworthy adult for emotional support
    I highly recommend you to get therapy and also get tested (you can get a rape kit in the ER of your regional hospital)
    If the assault happened less than two weeks ago, they might be able to gather his DNA and you can take legal action

    And if I were in your shoes, I'd definitely tell everyone
    I know it's hard and I know it takes a lot of courage, but you might be able to save his next victim and also punish him by ruining his social standing

    And if you ever need to talk to someone anonymously and vent out your frustration, you can direct me and I'll try my best to comfort you if possible

    Yumi May 25, 2024 8:23 pm

    You are not confused. You said you see him as friend and you didn't want do it with him. So you did not agree
    Please tell your sister ( if you have her ) or close friend. And go to the doctor!

    It is definitely rape.