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misaki-kun February 17, 2017 5:52 am

The problem might be because this is licensed in English by Viz Media. It's in English, for purchase, up to vol.5 and pre-order for vol.6. Once a manga is licensed scan groups usually drop it hence the legal issues. The group was cool enough to continue and were almost up to the current volume 9 until an asshole uploaded everything, probably due to them being born an asshole. Karma's a bitch and I hope this person burns in the depths of hell. I still don't know why it's tagged shounen-ai, it's not...the author has even said that but it's still a really damn good story. One that we'll get to finish reading probably at the same the asshole who leaked it gets to hell and starts burning.

    Loveless February 17, 2017 6:35 am

    I kinda want to beat the person considering that this is such a good read too *sighs*

    misaki-kun February 17, 2017 7:16 am
    I kinda want to beat the person considering that this is such a good read too *sighs* Loveless

    I know. I was actually reading it on their site. I registered and everything. Some people just have tainted souls but I'm confident that the person will get what's coming to them. Somewhere down the road they'll wonder why their life is complete shit...or shittier than it already is since they did this.

    Loveless February 17, 2017 8:28 am
    I know. I was actually reading it on their site. I registered and everything. Some people just have tainted souls but I'm confident that the person will get what's coming to them. Somewhere down the road they'l... misaki-kun

    I hope so like you I also had an account I was reading it off them but thanx to this the site will no longer run *sighs* looks like I will have to buy hard copies because I doubt it will get updated on the websites.