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I really REALLY love this manga story line so much , like i will read this every year and ...

fabulousllama February 17, 2017 7:50 am

I really REALLY love this manga story line so much , like i will read this every year and never get bored of it, it was my cup of tea and my FAVORITE , but it takes so long to have an updatr , i was so happy today but after reading all the comments honestly i feel like crying , already did actually , to think this manga will be dropped and won't have any updates , and the translation group will stop translating this manga omg *sniff sniff* and all of this happened because of that ONE person...i CAN'T accept it , I WON'T FUCKING FORGIVE YOU ASSHOLE I HATE YOU , HOPE YOU WILL GET A TASTE OF KARMA ONE DAY
