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mangagos was my best friend

Haley-chan March 5, 2017 6:19 am

just gonna say bye cuz i cant do this anymore.i love yaoi but i just dont care anymore. i dont care if people get sad if i die i dont care if theres tons of yaois or animes i dont get to watch.i hate life i hate everyone i meet.there is literaly no fucking reason to bye.and btw to those assholes out not doing this cuz you mad me fucking sad im doing this cuz i hate life and im posting this cuz mangago is m best friend and i think he/she should know.dont even bothering comment becuz im not getting back on unless theres wifi in hell

    JulietClaire March 6, 2017 2:00 pm
    Honestly, it's sad to see all the insensitive replies. So many of you are calling her an attention whore and writing nasty things. Do you not like her because her life might not be peachy like you are used to s... Mero

    You speak like you know these people. Maybe they just can't believe that a person can catch all the bad luck that's happening to this person. Sister being raped at a very young age- having cancer- gonna die in three or less years- being a transgender- having a grandma who's homophobic- a family who doesn't care and I think I caught being adopted in there.