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Such unnecessary drama

Rosa March 29, 2017 5:04 pm

Such unnecessary drama

    Bee March 29, 2017 5:50 pm

    Yeah, like the author decided that no matter what, there had to be since kinda angsty conflict and just threw that in. It really added nothing to the story or progressed it in any way ~o~

    Rosa March 29, 2017 10:17 pm
    Yeah, like the author decided that no matter what, there had to be since kinda angsty conflict and just threw that in. It really added nothing to the story or progressed it in any way ~o~ Bee

    And the conflict doesn't even make sense. Like "i'm not afraid of you abandoning me, but i'm afraid of you loving me". I read it so many times over and still could not understand.

    ALso, that mom and her line "we decide to start over" is confusing as hell too. She has never met the teacher, so why would she say that to someone she just met? And who on earth uses the term "starting over again" when getting a divorce"

    Anonymous March 30, 2017 4:31 am
    And the conflict doesn't even make sense. Like "i'm not afraid of you abandoning me, but i'm afraid of you loving me". I read it so many times over and still could not understand.ALso, that mom and her line "we... Rosa

    She has met the uke before. Before they split, she was the one bringing Taiga to the kindergarten every day. Also, after she said that, the uke kinda blanked out. You could tell she was still talking to him, but he wasn't taking in what she said. So for all we know (and this is how I took it), the dad explained his feelings for the sensei (the mom may have even caught part of the show at the aquarium). She felt bad so she wanted to explain to the sensei that they weren't getting back together and that it was ok for him to be with the dad...but since he kinda blanked out after her (admittedly) poor choice of words, he missed all that.