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mmmhhh... i'm sensing bad vibes...

youraedthiswrogn April 29, 2017 3:29 pm

I'm worried this might end in tragedy/horror. Just THE WAY the mangaka portrays Hodaka i worrying, he comes across as a Yandere and we all know how THAT can end... He gives off enough weird vibes that 2 middle school teenagers were scared of him on sight. This might end up a fluffy story about how an older brother chose to raise his younger brother over his childhood flame and their reunion (now that said younger brother is old enough to go sleep in the other room when nii-san is getting it on) or it might be a very dark story of nii-san trying to raise his younger brother only to catch the attention of a crazy who nii-san falls for and later finds out is nuts and so leaves him, but only AFTER having been trained NOT to upset yandere-chan.

    youraedthiswrogn April 29, 2017 3:37 pm


    youraedthiswrogn April 29, 2017 3:42 pm

    Left a part out in my post, after "having been trained NOT to upset yandere-chan" i meant to add: hence the scene at the end of chapter 1 where nii-san's first reaction on seeing Hodaka is to break down an yell he's sorry and Hodaka punching him. Nii-san might be a yandere-victim who escaped and is now seeing his nightmare brought back into his life. OR, it could just be that he chose his younger brother over his childhood flame, we'll see. Still, the yandere vibes are undeniable.

    Anonymous August 25, 2017 6:26 am

    I want to know what inspires these crazy theories jajajaj pretty funny but don´t think it´s like that at all, to me it seems more like the older brother really fell hard for the painter guy and was like really happy leaving his life in a carefree way, like eating, sleeping and fucking which was cool and all, but probably a tragedy happened back home like his parents commit double suicide, or ran off cause his father's debts and he have to take care of the younger brother and didn´t want to see the painter guy more cause he was so in loved that he fear his resolution to be a good father figure, and prioritize the brother over the lover, and bring up his younger brother well waver cause of his love life so he simply cut all ties with the painter guy, who probably will end up falling in love with the younger brother and the younger will love him back and attain the happiness the older brother couldn´t or something like that. jajajaja

    Hello August 25, 2017 8:10 pm
    I want to know what inspires these crazy theories jajajaj pretty funny but don´t think it´s like that at all, to me it seems more like the older brother really fell hard for the painter guy and was like reall... @Anonymous

    Look at the date, dude... The OP posted all this *before* the second chap was posted, when their theory was still a possibility.

    Bluerts is Back August 26, 2017 12:59 am

    I think you might be over analyzing and spending too much energy on thinking through an under developed plot... the story will continue how the author decides it lol