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So, why was Kaoru so afraid of Kokubo when he first moved in? Stranger anxiety would expla...

KissMeDarkly May 3, 2017 11:46 pm

So, why was Kaoru so afraid of Kokubo when he first moved in? Stranger anxiety would explain it, like they said, if he'd also been afraid of Masaki at first, but he wasn't. He was just like, soooo, food? But with Kokubo, he was almost deathly afraid of him. Any thoughts?

    Anonymous June 17, 2017 9:38 pm

    Some of the other people where there, when he met Masaki. So that might have made him feel safe. With Kokubo, he met him on his own, they where out side, and Kokubo was a stanger that kept talking to him. So that could have made him back away and keep his distance.

    djserani September 30, 2017 7:32 am

    Also, Masaki wasn't so much bigger than Kaoru nor was he as outgoing as Kokubo was, so Masaki didn't come across nearly as strong as Kokubo did.