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It is yaoi people!

Nayora May 8, 2017 12:25 am

Why are people complaining about rape read from a yaoi? Like 50%<+ of all yaoi is some kind of rape fantasy... Why read yaoi if you aren't into that kinda thing? It's a well known fact that most girls/women has either had or have some kind of rape fantasy/dream. I would suggest for readers that feel like they need to complain about 'rapey' content should focus on reading Boys Love (bl) aka shounen-ai instead, which mainly portrays strong and sensitive bonds between guys and you're lucky if they sneak in some kisses... Anyway to each their taste but if you read yaoi in here chances are there's some juicy rapey content happening and I just urge you all to enjoy the fact that it's yaoi with some delicious illustrations and content (if you know how to pick the right ones ;D) and then tomorrow to out irl and donate some gold to an anti-rape organisation and feel good about you knowing that after all it's just a fantasy and that doesn't mean one supports anything of the same kind in real life. (Oh btw loved the comment saying "I'm one of those people who know how to separate fantasy from reality so it didn't bother me" looool made me giggle irl for a while!) it's not like it's a huge problem or anything yet every time a yaoi shows rape there's always tons of comments about it as if it's some great surprise xD I mean haven't ya learned yet? They're guys ofc they'll need to be trained the right way (muhaha)
Anyway enjoy the love errbody and I bid you adieu ヾ(☆▽☆)

Itadakimasu ~ !!

    Captain Fujoshi May 9, 2017 11:44 am

    your take of this.... next level of headassery indeed

    Anonymous May 10, 2017 12:40 pm

    As much hate you may get for're actually right. For the most part yaoi=rape fantasy genre.