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Hi guys! My name is Sabrina. I apologize for everything I have done. I'll not make the sam...

SabrinaBTS May 8, 2017 5:00 am

Hi guys! My name is Sabrina. I apologize for everything I have done. I'll not make the same mistake twice. So please excuse my stupidity b/c i have already learned what i have done.

If you still won't accept my apology. I won't set my foot on her till the day I die.

Thank you.
- SabrinaBTS

P.S. BTS has nothing to do with this.

    Saphira May 8, 2017 5:31 am
    You shouldve just asked here @Anonymous

    You gotta admit, it was a pretty stupid move,but everyone does them..just not on a scale that you did!! For reals girl, not many normal peeps can get this many people pissed all in one go without even trying,so at least you got that going for ya. And an apology helps. Just remember,others have it worse than you,so keep on keeping on!

    Brook May 8, 2017 5:40 am
    She is rly arrogant have you seen what she says in twitter Damn

    What did she say?

    Anonymous May 8, 2017 5:42 am

    Fuck you bitch! Your mother should have swallowed.

    Cetagandane May 8, 2017 5:43 am

    It's a lesson learned, so please don't hate yourself over it. We all make stupid mistakes even more the people lynching you.

    Anonymous May 8, 2017 5:48 am

    Sorry but I have to do this


    ok I forgive you

    love123 May 8, 2017 5:50 am

    Sabrina I forgive you!! Most of us didn´t know about lezhin until we came here (I´m one of them I knew about it after the credits in one of the chapters) that´s why I asked you why didn't u saw it in her twitter... but oh well, it´s fine, people make mistakes, and learn from them, give it time and people here will move on from what happened. It´ll take some time but cheer up, don´t let this to affect too much on u... it´ll be ok :)

    Anonymous May 8, 2017 5:56 am
    WAIT WAIT!!! What's going on! Someone tell me what has happened?!?!?! YaoiFanGirl

    KyoZaNa✿ May 8, 2017 5:56 am

    TBH I don't feel your remorse at your twitter.
    It's more like you apologized because you don't want people here hate your BTS.

    Anonymous May 8, 2017 6:07 am

    I guess you're not only stupid but idiot. How old are you? How could you not know what we read here for free supposed to be secret. How could you even tell the mangaka?
    OMG. Eventhough many scanlation group remaind us that we should support the mangaka by buying the original book. Don't you ever pay attention to that. Girl you should learn to know when to speak and when to keep silent..

    ╰☆╮D╰☆╮ May 8, 2017 6:17 am

    That was so stupid how can you not know,if wanna make it up to us apologize to us on your twitter for being a dumbass

    Amorim May 8, 2017 6:18 am

    Ok lol this is a public website. I don't think yall understand what's going on here. My father worked a bit in online book licensing. You are allowed to translate books and post your translation as you damn well please. Assuming the translator is in the u.s., the most likely (99% basically) scenario, is that if the author chooses to, you will be sued according to u.s copyright infringement standards. What this means is that the author could potentially sue THE TRANSATOR for taking away from the authors profit. In the end, with all the legal fees, the author might actually lose money and it's rarely advised unless they're making a shit ton of money and they're thinking of expanding into America. Long story short, I guarantee that the worst that will happen is that the author will talk to the translator and they will most likely stop translating and in a couple months another person may pick it up again. Authors know their things will be posted online. Mangago will not be shut down. Trust.

    love123 May 8, 2017 6:18 am
    Lol its sounds real I HOPE IT IS i mean who would apolgy instead of her ? @Anonymous

    u can change the name in the data base of the setting... so anyone can... but I don´t care what it is, I´ll still forgive her...

    Anonymous May 8, 2017 6:30 am
    u can change the name in the data base of the setting... so anyone can... but I don´t care what it is, I´ll still forgive her... love123

    Exactly and I understand why some people are doubting her whether she's real or not, just look at her twitter and you will know.
    But whatever, it's all in the past now

    L May 8, 2017 6:38 am
    TBH I don't feel your remorse at your twitter.It's more like you apologized because you don't want people here hate your BTS. KyoZaNa✿


    Ilyusha May 8, 2017 6:39 am

    Think of the positive side girl atleast you got the talent to piss large scale number of readers. Not everybody can do that so congratulations. Hope this will remind you to think before you click and just accept the consequences of your action whether you mean it or not the damage is already done you can't reverse it nor correct it all you can do is apologize and accept all the heated and hated speeches and comments that are and will be thrown to you.

    Next time maybe you can also read the translators' note atleast for us free readers all we can do is heed their advice.

    Congratulations for being part of the mangago history. Always remember that one tweet can make you become a PUBLIC ENEMY.

    Ps.I'm being sarcastic since I'm really pissed off

    frenchfries May 8, 2017 6:41 am
    TBH I don't feel your remorse at your twitter.It's more like you apologized because you don't want people here hate your BTS. KyoZaNa✿

    Basically what I'm thinking. I mean if she do feel sorry, why bring BTS name on her P.S note?

    KikiBee May 8, 2017 7:16 am

    Honey, everybody does dumb shit, chances are, everyone who's being an a-hole now, will do waaay dumber shit...don't take it to heart, eat a cookie, forgive yourself, and sleep good.

    hehe May 8, 2017 7:52 am

    I forgive you but it doesn't mean that we'll forget about this anytime soon.
    You're sadly famous from now but yes don't take everything written to heart, move on, we all have to move on.

    Jaz May 8, 2017 7:55 am
    Basically what I'm thinking. I mean if she do feel sorry, why bring BTS name on her P.S note? @frenchfries

    I think it was because there was a lot of people hating on BTS earlier today because she's a fan of them.

    Anonymous May 8, 2017 9:14 am

    I hate you... but I think the word hate is not too strong of a word, and no existing word can ever describe my feelings toward you.