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For all those making excuses for Eldo: Imagine it was Hee Bum who slapped the shit out of...

manganiME May 16, 2017 5:37 pm

For all those making excuses for Eldo:

Imagine it was Hee Bum who slapped the shit out of her for making her nasty remark. Still gonna stick up for him?

Cause I get tired of women getting a pass for physical battery (the slap) when men wouldn't.

    youraedthiswrogn May 16, 2017 5:45 pm

    I personally don't hate Eldo, i don't think she is handling things how she should, but i also know that the three of them share a past that has harmed her. It doesn't justify her trying to hit Hee Bum, especially when he isn't really doing anything wrong, she just hates him because he's dating Yoo Won. I think she's going to be a good friend to Jumi, it seems to me like she is tsundere to people that she gets along with. She hates Hee Bum though, which is unfortunate. She just can't bring herself to deal with him.

    Anonymous May 16, 2017 5:59 pm

    Thats how society is, cant do much about it. Women hitting isnt as bad as a guy hitting cause guys are seen more dominant anyways?
    Personally i see Eldo as a female version of He Bum thats why i love her

    manganiME May 16, 2017 6:07 pm
    Thats how society is, cant do much about it. Women hitting isnt as bad as a guy hitting cause guys are seen more dominant anyways? Personally i see Eldo as a female version of He Bum thats why i love her @Anonymous

    SHe is a lot like HeeB, for sure.

    manganiME May 16, 2017 6:09 pm
    I personally don't hate Eldo, i don't think she is handling things how she should, but i also know that the three of them share a past that has harmed her. It doesn't justify her trying to hit Hee Bum, especial... youraedthiswrogn

    I can see why she's hurt that YooW just cut them off (as SiWon said). That's harsh and it hurts.

    But she also has to stop and consider that YooW and HeeB are dating, and that YooW is not out as a couple with HeeB, and clearly not to his family, and to threaten that is LOW, really low. For that, I'm gonna hate on her for a bit, until she shows some remorse.

    Plus, being so jealous that you lash out at the boyfriend instead of the one who actually dumped you (ie YooW cutting off connection with her), is pathetic. She's pissed at HeeB, but it's YooW that dumped her. She's transferred her anger to the wrong person. Would you assault the partner of a person you have a crush on just because you can't have that person? That's not sane behavior.

    manganiME May 16, 2017 6:10 pm
    I personally don't hate Eldo, i don't think she is handling things how she should, but i also know that the three of them share a past that has harmed her. It doesn't justify her trying to hit Hee Bum, especial... youraedthiswrogn

    OH, and I an totally see her warming up to the Jumi charms. :D And Jumi is the sort of person who is good for the arrogant and selfish. She's like this beacon to "come to a better place, you brat, come, you'll be a saner human." :D

    Anonymous May 16, 2017 6:20 pm
    Thats how society is, cant do much about it. Women hitting isnt as bad as a guy hitting cause guys are seen more dominant anyways? Personally i see Eldo as a female version of He Bum thats why i love her @Anonymous

    I have the need to bring up one thing, HB was sincere from the get go with jumi, yes, but Eldo...when she was in that position and those two harmed her... well, she was different from jumi (and younger). She said she faked getting along with HB to get YW, so she was, from the beginning, different from jumi and HB, too. I think the author shows Eldo´s ways more manipulative than HB´s.

    Maybe I´m wrong, but that´s what I see, even if she is similar to HB in some aspects and she is portrayed as a lonesome and hurt character.

    youraedthiswrogn May 16, 2017 6:20 pm
    OH, and I an totally see her warming up to the Jumi charms. :D And Jumi is the sort of person who is good for the arrogant and selfish. She's like this beacon to "come to a better place, you brat, come, you'll ... manganiME

    Maybe Jumi will be the presence in her life needed to allow Eldo to get over her hatred? (●'◡'●)ノ I'm certainly hoping so. I completely agree that Eldo hasn't been acting okay, her way of handling the situation has been incredibly immature and rude, i just chalk it down to that just being how much she is hurting. It isn't okay, and the people around her recognize that, but no one says anything because they realize she is hurting and that there is nothing that they can do for her. Jumi has a special quality that allows her to speak up when someone is acting wrong, regardless of the reason and i think this will help Eldo get over her hatred of Hee Bum.

    manganiME May 16, 2017 6:30 pm
    Maybe Jumi will be the presence in her life needed to allow Eldo to get over her hatred? (●'◡'●)ノ I'm certainly hoping so. I completely agree that Eldo hasn't been acting okay, her way of handling the... youraedthiswrogn

    She is gonna be an amazing mom, that Jumi.

    The sad thing, now that I reflect on Bimbo-Eyebrowless girl and RedHead Kidnap-Bitch, is if they had taken the time to befriend Jumi, they'd have a better experience, too. But they took the wrong path. She felt jealousy over Jumi and did that criminal thing and it backfired (though I wanted her to suffer MORE!!!) I mean, she had a painful background, so that gave one a bit of sympathy.

    Eldo could show the other path: not give in to jealousy or revenge, but find a happier way of dealing with the jealousy over YooW feeling.

    As far as others letting it slide: sorry, because a guy you decided to be an errand-girl/mannitto/whatever to (which likely YooW didn't want) is not interested in continuing a relationship with you for whatever reason is not a justification for stalking and abuse of boyfriend. For me, she crossed TOO many lines. The person she needs to talk to is YooW, not HeeB. HeeB isn't the one who hurt her.

    I know, I know, she's handling it poorly. But if a man stalked a girl to another school and insulted his girldfriend and then tried to whack her, we'd be all for calling the cops on the stalker-batterer. We are only soft on Eldo cause she's a girl. I am not gonna be soft on her cause she's a girl. She is a stalker (that I understand at least) and she's a batterer (that she needs to get down on the floor and apologize for).

    youraedthiswrogn May 16, 2017 6:41 pm
    She is gonna be an amazing mom, that Jumi.The sad thing, now that I reflect on Bimbo-Eyebrowless girl and RedHead Kidnap-Bitch, is if they had taken the time to befriend Jumi, they'd have a better experience, t... manganiME

    But Yoo Won doesn't consider her a stalker BECAUSE of what he and Hee Bum put her through. Don't get me wrong, i'm not necessarily blaming her being their beard on the two, i know that she can make her own decisions, just acknowledging that being in that position while in love with Yoo Won hurt her to the point that eventually she stopped getting along with Hee Bum and started to hate him. Yoo Won says they used to get along until she called Hee Bum a crazy bastard. You're comparing their situation to a situation that isn't QUITE the same, and not just because the genders are swapped in your situation, the three of them were friends. You can think of Eldo as the Jumi of their old school only she fell for Yoo Won instead of Hee Bum and she eventually started to turn sour out of bitterness towards her situation while as Jumi remains selfless. Eldo isn't just some random girl that came to follow Yoo Won, she is a close friend, it'd be like if he decided to leave THIS school and Jumi went after him. Or after Hee Bum in Jumi's case. Honestly, i don't think people even ARE making excuses for Eldo, just acknowledging her pain as a reason for what she did and acknowledging that what she did was wrong regardless. Don't most people hate Eldo in this comments section? Who specifically do you feel is making excuses for her?

    manganiME May 16, 2017 6:48 pm
    But Yoo Won doesn't consider her a stalker BECAUSE of what he and Hee Bum put her through. Don't get me wrong, i'm not necessarily blaming her being their beard on the two, i know that she can make her own deci... youraedthiswrogn

    YooW said they stopped being friends after she started calling HeeB names. They alienated her for that reason. If I had a boyfriend and a friend was badmouthing him, you better believe I'd tell that person to get lost.

    He went to a different school and didn't give his contact info to them and refuses to carry a cell (could be poverty or could be an excuse not to be called by those he doesn't want to see anymore for his own reasons).

    When someone purposely seeks to find out where someone went, then goes there to see a person who cut you off, that's a kind of stalking. If YooW wanted to keep in contact with Eldo, he could have done that. With SiWon, he could have done that .

    Notice that SiWon doesn't make a pest of himself. He's actually quite caring and comforting. He didn't go to the academy to make a pest of himself and try to cozy up to YooW again.

    Eldo has been nothing but accusatory and mean to HeeB --meaning she did not learn the lesson of the first issue they had, because if YooW throws you off for being mean to his guy, a smart person, even a smart scheming person, would be NICE to HeeB, not repeat the threats. Threats are a stalker thing, too.

    At first was pretty annoying to Jumi. She's there for YooW and that was made pretty evident. She followed him there, though he cut her off and their friendship ended due to her behavior toward HeeB. In fact, maybe one reason he cut them off was how they treated HeeB (among other things).

    So, yes, she is a kind of stalker.

    And it's the sympathetic remarks that don't take into account she COMMITTED THREATS AND ATTACKS that if done by a male would have us up in arms calling for an arrest. That's sexist.

    manganiME May 16, 2017 6:52 pm
    But Yoo Won doesn't consider her a stalker BECAUSE of what he and Hee Bum put her through. Don't get me wrong, i'm not necessarily blaming her being their beard on the two, i know that she can make her own deci... youraedthiswrogn

    Oh and one more count against Eldo: Even after HeeB admitted that her talking to his family would mean he would get hit by a golf club (in other words, admitting there would be physical damage to him if she blabbed), she keeps insulting him. There is no stopping and sympathy even after he basically says, "If you talk that means I get abused for being in a gay romance."

    Normally, wouldn't someone stop and go, "What? They'll hit you with a golf club????"

    Cause, man. That's cold to just persist in being mean and assault-y after a person pretty much offers up a truth about their dire home situation.

    youraedthiswrogn May 16, 2017 6:58 pm
    YooW said they stopped being friends after she started calling HeeB names. They alienated her for that reason. If I had a boyfriend and a friend was badmouthing him, you better believe I'd tell that person to g... manganiME

    I get the feeling you literally don't know their situation. They were and still are friends, there isn't any negative feelings between Yoo Won and Eldo. There isn't anything weird about a friend going to look for a friend that just faded out on them all the sudden... Also, Yoo Won faded out to take care of his mother, not because he didn't want to talk with them anymore. It wasn't because Eldo was no longer getting along with Hee Bum that Yoo Won decided to fade out. Siwon acknowledges that Yoo Won faded out to take care of his mother as the reason. As i've said, what sympathetic remarks? Most people are hating her at the moment.

    youraedthiswrogn May 16, 2017 7:06 pm
    YooW said they stopped being friends after she started calling HeeB names. They alienated her for that reason. If I had a boyfriend and a friend was badmouthing him, you better believe I'd tell that person to g... manganiME

    You literally just made this story up. What we know from the manga so far is that Yoo Won, Eldo and Hee Bum were friends, Eldo was their beard. Siwon was a sunbae that looked up to Yoo Won and was close friends with Yoo Won as well. Eldo fell in love with Yoo Won and ended up hating Hee Bum because she was in Jumi's current position. It doesn't say anything about Yoo Won hating Eldo, just that he faded out on ALL the people from his previous school, not just Eldo, because his mother was in the hospital. This is what Siwon is saying in his dialogue with with Yoo Won about how he isn't going to leave him alone. It isn't just Siwon and Eldo who go looking for Yoo Won, the red head from earlier looks for him too, NO ONE knows where he went so his friends from his previous school are looking for him. Eldo included. Eldo just happens to have baggage that she took with her.

    manganiME May 16, 2017 7:17 pm
    You literally just made this story up. What we know from the manga so far is that Yoo Won, Eldo and Hee Bum were friends, Eldo was their beard. Siwon was a sunbae that looked up to Yoo Won and was close friends... youraedthiswrogn

    I didn't say YooWon hated Eldo (did I misspeak?) I said he broke it off with her because she badmouthed/insulted HeeB (and since we see how she speaks to him, we can guess how upsetting it had to be to hear that sort of vitriol aimed at a loved one.)

    YooWon faded out from everyone at the academy (maybe for many reasons, we only know right off about the mom). It's conceivable that he didn't like how HeeB was being treated (Eldo as an example) or that she might out them (conceivable). That's me theorizing for his reasons.

    What we known is she has a nasty mouth and aimed it at HeeB which, HeeB being mouthy himself, had to have become very stressful for YooWon. And just like Eldo threatened to out HeeB (well, his dad already knows), who knows what shit she threatened or the YooWon may have worried over.

    We know YooWon had so much to focus on already (mom, studies to catch up and be doctor eventually) and his hand-game, that he decided SiWon and everyone other than HeeB was disposable so one could focus on the ONE thing that could not be disposed of. The priority. To YooWon, that was mom. Until he saw he might lose HeeB to Jumi, then he added HeeB back in as a priority, so we know to YooW, HeeB might not rank as high as mom, but he's definitely super-important.

    Now, tell me: If you had someone you loved second only to a parent, and someone else was calling them names and maybe uttering threats (we just saw her do that, so it's hardly impossible given their situation), you will not want to be that person's friend. I, personally, would hate them if they mistreated or threatened my loved person. But YooWon may just have found her exhausting and too much to deal with.

    manganiME May 16, 2017 7:21 pm
    You literally just made this story up. What we know from the manga so far is that Yoo Won, Eldo and Hee Bum were friends, Eldo was their beard. Siwon was a sunbae that looked up to Yoo Won and was close friends... youraedthiswrogn

    OH, and as far as "close," YooWon said that to Jumi, but earlier it had mentioned that you were assigned as a mannito to a person and Eldo was assigned to YooWon, meaning she'd get him drinks, notes, etc--be that person's "servant-pal." So, YooWon may or may not have wanted her around, but the school tradition and probably her crush made it so she STUCK herself in there with them. It never said the friendship evolved naturally. It was the manitto structure.

    There's a big difference in choosing one's friends and having them chosen in some sort of school status assigned/expectation thing. I can totally see Eldo going after YooWon to do her "duty" and crushing on him and HeeB finding her an annoyance and their rivalry erupts.

    YooWon chose HeeB. He did not choose Eldo.

    Anonymous May 16, 2017 7:27 pm
    I can see why she's hurt that YooW just cut them off (as SiWon said). That's harsh and it hurts.But she also has to stop and consider that YooW and HeeB are dating, and that YooW is not out as a couple with Hee... manganiME

    I understand where eldo's anger come from, (don't misunderstand I don't approve using any kind of violence in any kind of situation, and nothing justifies her actions) but think she was being used by the sake of some one else and appearances especially appearances, probably without telling her anything and she put up with it because she likes woon, yw kind of manipulate her taking advantage of her feelings, it must be really hurtful when she realize the truth, and even more hurtful when the person she admire and like so much just throw her away after using her. She is totally wrong to take her anger on bum but that makes the manga and characters more real (most of the time that's the reaction you get in real life is like a programming response by society since she doesn't like the possibility of woon coming to hate her, so she just vent over on bum,like I said nothing justifies her actions) and I think that's what makes us love them even more however their poor actions or wrong judgement.
    By the way I think eldo already like jumi and the fact that she tell jumi her past with those two was a pretty kind of her, since she wants jumi to avoid the same hurtful situation she went through so I foresee probably a friendship between those two, and with some luck jumi helps eldo to improve herself as a person

    youraedthiswrogn May 16, 2017 7:29 pm
    I didn't say YooWon hated Eldo (did I misspeak?) I said he broke it off with her because she badmouthed/insulted HeeB (and since we see how she speaks to him, we can guess how upsetting it had to be to hear tha... manganiME

    It's unsupported speculation... and you're only trying to make this speculation as a foothold for your idea that Eldo is somehow a stalker... Because your idea of her being his stalker only makes sense if the two of them aren't friends, which they are. You're trying to say that she is no longer a friend in his eyes because she hurt his important person and that he cut off ties with her for this reason and as such, her following him despite him not wanting her near him is stalking, but this ALL hangs on your assumption of how Yoo Won felt. She is just another person he cut off that came looking for him. I can see the logic in what you're saying, but i also know that just because two people important to you fight, doesn't mean you have to take sides. You can stay out of it. They can hate each other and you can still love both of them. You're assuming that the way he responded to Eldo calling Hee Bum a crazy bastard was to get upset and that that was his reason for cutting HER off specifically while as all the others he cut off for his mother. There is nothing saying so and no evidence you can provide to support this. What we KNOW is that they were friends, that Yoo Won's encounters with Eldo haven't led to any fighting between the two of them and that Yoo Won's reasoning for cutting ties with his previous school was his hospitalized mother, there is no reason to assume that Yoo Won had any special reason to cut off Eldo aside from the same reason give for him cutting everyone else off.

    youraedthiswrogn May 16, 2017 7:33 pm
    OH, and as far as "close," YooWon said that to Jumi, but earlier it had mentioned that you were assigned as a mannito to a person and Eldo was assigned to YooWon, meaning she'd get him drinks, notes, etc--be th... manganiME

    No, they were close. In a conversation with Jumi Eldo says that she was in Jumi's position and that Yoo Won used to treat her nice as well. Eldo is literally the Jumi of their past school.

    manganiME May 16, 2017 7:33 pm
    It's unsupported speculation... and you're only trying to make this speculation as a foothold for your idea that Eldo is somehow a stalker... Because your idea of her being his stalker only makes sense if the t... youraedthiswrogn

    Dude, when someone follows you after you break off a friendship with them, and purposely enrolls in your school to shadow you, cause they're obsessed with you, what do you call that?

    I'm not saying she's gonna stab or rape, Yoow. But she's stalking him.

    manganiME May 16, 2017 7:37 pm
    It's unsupported speculation... and you're only trying to make this speculation as a foothold for your idea that Eldo is somehow a stalker... Because your idea of her being his stalker only makes sense if the t... youraedthiswrogn

    YooWon said she called HeeB a "crazy bastard" and they stopped being close.

    They are not actively friends. He broke off the friendship. He cut her off in communications. He either got rid of his phone or didn't have one, and only recommunicated with SiWon to help Jumi.

    If he wants to be friends with her again, he will. For now, they aren't.

    If someone stops being close to you cause you hurt their lover, and you're not "close" anymore, and you go somewhere else and never give your contact info--how the hell is that being friends? That's unfriending. NOt malicious unfriending. But it's definitely like clicking"unlike" or "unfriend" on FB, meaning you aren't communicating anymore and don't ask how they're doing and really go on with your life.

    YOu and I must have a different definition of friends. Because if I say we're not close anymore and I don't communicate with you anymore and I don't even let you know where I moved...that's pretty much saying you ain't my friend.