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okay i usually dont mind rape scenes in stories. they dont faze me too much, considering h...

gay _penguins May 27, 2017 5:58 am

okay i usually dont mind rape scenes in stories. they dont faze me too much, considering how many stories ive read with that in it. but THIS story takes the cake for most rape scenes ive ever seen in one damn book. there are so much and it turning me off so bad. the girl initially becomes every shoujo nightmare. a naive and weak girl that everyone falls in love with. i assume the ones who can really enjoy this story are the ones who LOVE shoujo manga and cliches.

    luomingming July 27, 2017 4:12 am

    I don't think it's cliche at all. In fact, Yuri is such an interesting character because she's so against the norm. It says countless times that she's not even close to the most gorgeous girl people have seen, and was even described as boyish. She has an internal strength that attracts people and is far from weak. Sure, this results in people wanting to sleep with her (some against her will), but when you also put into context the time frame in which Yuri is transported back to it's probably not a far cry to say women were treated this way normally.

    gay _penguins July 27, 2017 7:35 pm

    ^ she becomes a whiny crybaby that doesnt know how to fend for herself especially when a man attacks her. you can love the story all you want but youre delusional if you cant see all this is happening. hardcore fans see the very apparent negatives and choose to ignore them. all you talked about was how the story was not cliche, but you almost didn't mention anything about how all the men tried to rape her. saying "its historical so its bound to happen" is bullshit, just because it historical doesn't mean that every guy she encounters should fall in love with her and try to kidnap her and fuck her. her character and story happenings BECOMES cliche. the ones who can really enjoy this story are the ones who LOVE shoujo manga and cliches. (and just a note, the only people that dont see things as cliches are the people that like them) hate me, but you cant deny the truth

    luomingming July 27, 2017 8:06 pm
    ^ she becomes a whiny crybaby that doesnt know how to fend for herself especially when a man attacks her. you can love the story all you want but youre delusional if you cant see all this is happening. hardcore... gay _penguins

    Well, for one, I was being very respectful so there's no need to be rude and call me "delusional." Just like you I have my own opinion about this story, and for me I find the historical time period to be indicative of the way she's treated by men. However, of course I understand this is a manga and as the main character she's going to be desirable in the eyes of other characters (kind of just comes with the territory of this being fictional and a love story). I also find it quite offensive how you describe her as "a whiny crybaby that doesn't know how to end for herself especially when a man attacks her." There are MANY women in reality who are strong minded and independent who are unable to fend of an attack from a much larger man, especially in this story's case from men who are used to battle. Just because it's your opinion doesn't make it the truth, and I'm not sure why you're trying to insinuate I'm lying to myself just because I greatly enjoyed this manga. Do I think rape is ok? Of course not. However, I also understand this is fiction, manga, and a love story. It's important to take everything with a grain of salt. And what's wrong with liking a cliche? Plenty of people find them entertaining. I don't hate you as I don't even know you I just don't agree with your opinion and opened a form of discussion.

    maychan July 27, 2017 8:45 pm
    ^ she becomes a whiny crybaby that doesnt know how to fend for herself especially when a man attacks her. you can love the story all you want but youre delusional if you cant see all this is happening. hardcore... gay _penguins

    okay some points I do agree with you - the story do bacome too repetitive until it become annoying has fuck! I do agree that TOO MUCH MAN always fall in love with her, and it become stupid!
    but I do not agree that in the old days, women didn't got rape a lot. hell, they even force to marry like in the age of fucking 15-14 and have kids! so yeas, I won't say the way the man in here treat women is just cliche or totally not true.
    but it still just a mange, dude. and still just a fiction. but I"m still glad that I born in the modarn time where women have much more free speech than in those times.
    I do agree it become cliche, but this story still have it's interesting moments and interesting ideas to show. even if the story did become annoying, it still have it's good moments to think about other stuff and themes. like government, leadership, blind people, bline rage etc...
    I"m not crazy about this story, but I don't hate it that much either.
    and if you think this is bad, read Fashigi yuugi LOL the rape there is...well. better? XD and if you think this women is a crybaby, then watch the main characters in danganronpa ultra despair girls - now she is the real crybaby brat! LOL
    and instead of hating, try read mange's you did like ^-^ shoujo I admit don't have much to offer what is sad.
    but this story was nice at first, really it was at first. it really not that bed, I seen worse LOL way worse.

    gay _penguins July 27, 2017 8:50 pm

    "There are MANY women in reality who are strong minded and independent who are unable to fend of an attack from a much larger man, especially in this story's case from men who are used to battle"okay,so if thats the case that means that means its the shitty story line right? the fact that the artist made EVERY SINGLE GUY SHE ENCOUNTERS fall in love with her? if you wanna bring in the fact that theres nothing wrong with cliches, why do people always put it down. because its not a good thing. it means there is not originality. and the fact that you think that because its a historical time period, it is expected that she would get raped and kidnapped by EVERY GUY SHE MEETS... im right with delusional. besides the fact that she cant fend herself from men, because apparently she cant, she always includes herself in situations that makes her vulnerable and open to attack and always makes a situation where shes alone with her attempt rapist that tried to rape her before, and the fact that she still nice to her attempt rapists and wants to be FRIENDS with them, you cant get anymore naive than that. not only that, but with the amount of time she almost got raped she should have some form of trauma, if you want to be realistic. just because its a fictional manga doesn't give you an excuses to make a story full of cliches and shitty characters and be happy just because its popular. the people that like the story dont think about this kind of shit, because it goes over their head, and what happens when the author doesnt realize that theses kinds of stories are okay once or twice and doesn't learn, and keeps creating them? but really im not surprised. this was created in 1995, where rape and cliches go hand in hand. like i said, hate me all you want, but you cant deny the truth.

    maychan July 27, 2017 9:24 pm
    "There are MANY women in reality who are strong minded and independent who are unable to fend of an attack from a much larger man, especially in this story's case from men who are used to battle"okay,so if that... gay _penguins

    1. every story is cliche, that's how you actually start a story. with the most cliche settings, the importent thing is what you do with those cliche settings. no one can do a story without using old plots. like they say - there nothing new to tell! everything has been done before, the only change is that it stop to be cliche if you add your own twists and your own style of telling the story. then it is a originel but never "new".
    2. I think you a little Exaggerating - yeas she was almost rape a lot, but she did try to fight back and did try to protect herself with what she had. and she was a normal girl and never learn how to fight so......yeas let's see you try to fight a train militry man that know how to fight in wars and shit while you were just in high school learning math.
    I guess you just never seen the worse of women characters in mange that never did try to fight back when they were rape like I did XD and you think this girl is the worst? okay you didn't seen the worse hony.
    3. I didn't care about the poplerity crap actually. and I do agree this plot have a very big problams with the build of the plot. but it still NOT THE WORST! lol it still have some other things to offer and think about. but you can think what you want ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    luomingming July 27, 2017 10:04 pm
    "There are MANY women in reality who are strong minded and independent who are unable to fend of an attack from a much larger man, especially in this story's case from men who are used to battle"okay,so if that... gay _penguins

    *sigh* there you go again with the assumptions and rudeness. This is an open discussion where we are relaying differences of opinion, but not once have I insulted you so I'd appreciate it if you could give me the same courtesy. As I've stated before, two times in fact, this is a historical fiction therefore I think it's correct in thinking that women were taken advantage of constantly. Not once have I stated because of this I expect every male character in the story to want to rape her. Again that's why this is FICTION. If you consider this cliche then so be it. Don't read it, but I don't understand why you have to insult everyone who likes this manga. Let's say you're right and I agree it's cliche (which I still don't believe) well then that's fine. Not every story is going to be original and amazing. I simply liked the historical context and enjoyed the storyline. That's why it's great that there are so many stories out there. This wasn't your cup of tea, but for many people, including me, it was a really good story. I respect you didn't like it and I respect you are entitled to your opinion, and again I don't hate you. And yet again I'm not "denying the truth" because your opinion does not equal truth. If anything the only truth we could believe would come from the author. While I agree with you that Yuri put herself in dangerous positions and was somewhat naive, I believe this was the author conveying how kind hearted and forgiving a person Yuri was. Certainly not everyone would forgive there would be rapist, nor should they, but there are women out there who find forgiveness in their hearts and are able to move on. It's an extremely hard thing to do and admire their strength. I'm not saying they in any should forgive attackers, but I think "naivety" as you would call it can help some people heal if they don't have so much hurt in their heart anymore. However, every single person is different and deals with these situations and traumas in different ways. It impacts people much more than others. Anyway, thank you for discussing this with me, but next time it's not necessary to be so aggressive. Like I said, this is just a place to trade opinions and everyone here loves manga.

    JunkiReader August 31, 2017 3:32 am
    Well, for one, I was being very respectful so there's no need to be rude and call me "delusional." Just like you I have my own opinion about this story, and for me I find the historical time period to be indica... luomingming

    Well said!

    Amy V. Nguyen September 4, 2017 3:24 am
    Well said! JunkiReader

    Holy smokes, I just finished reading this manga. Then I looking down towards the comment section to see y'all conversations. I can't even believe I read through your guys whole argument, but love your opinions about the manga. The manga has its ups and downs, however its all about your own perspective about it. So, there is no point on telling people to go to hell if their on the way there anyway.
    (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍