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Anyone else sick of Bum?

ChanelHaiikyuu June 5, 2017 12:44 pm

At first i hoped for Bums happy ending and he will get everything he wants and Sangwoo should die. But now, Bum what an annoying character. 80% of what happened is/was his fault. I feel like one of the bully in the manga, but Bum deserve this. Because the act of doing nothing, is doing something. The obsession with Sangwoo too, he could have taken the knife the stabbed the shit out of Sangwoo right then and there. Start his life over..orwhatever. Told the police everything and he was the victim. Instead, he went backwards and cut his wrist.

    Anonymous June 6, 2017 6:57 pm
    ow, boo ho, did your mom and dad hit you? Poor you :( Pray for you. Im sorry your family hates you :-( i didnt mean to offend a fictional character thus offending you :( ChanelHaiikyuu

    Hey I agreed with your topic but the way you behave right now is really childish.

    Anonymous June 6, 2017 9:06 pm

    Seriously, you realize you are obsessed with hating Bum?

    I get it he is pathetic. Bum is bullied and abused. A loser. Not a charmer or a pretty boy. I will be honest I considered not reading ks because of him. Though I feel pity for him. And its not his fault what happened with him. He grew up in different circumstances than you so it will be highly presumptuous of you to say otherwise.

    trala June 6, 2017 9:28 pm

    You can blame Bum for doing nothing when you went through the shit he did. It's easy to say "do something" from the sidelines. It's easy because you don't know how emotional wrecking being raped is. When you're emotionally destroyed to the extent that doing nothing is the only choice you feel you have left. He isn't doing anything because he's "weak" or "lazy", it's because he has given up. I'm sorry that he isn't being "yay life" after he was raped MULTIPLE TIMES. I'm sorry he isn't "strong enough" for you. He's not a superhuman, he's only a human. Barely older than a teenager. He NEVER had anyonw he could talk to. HE NEVER HAD ANYONE SO WHERE SHOULD HE GET HIS STRENGH? You can't get your strengh out of nowhere. It's not easy to still have the will to life if you have no one that likes you, no one you can talk to. When everyone stabs you in the back. When you were abused, insulted and raped so many times in your life that you simply can't find the strengh to get up everyday.

    I still think Bum is strong in his own ways because he pulled through until now. He's still alive after all he has been through, and that fact alone makes him stronger than most of us!

    He never had anyone so he's fixated and obsessed with sangwoo. He simply NEEDED someone. And now this one person he felt like he absolutely needed in his life (even if this person didn't feel any simpathy towards him) told him he was disgusting and to get lost. THIS WAS THE FINAL STRAW. Bum went through so much in his life and now the only reason he continued living told him to go away. His reason to life was gone.
    Bum always blamed himself for every horrible thing that happened to him. He himself belived he was disgusting. He probably felt like he did sangwoo a favor. That's an incredibly sad thing when you think you're doing someone a favor when you disappear...

    You're right. When you do nothing you do something. But doing something isn't easy. Try doing ANYTHING after being raped, bullied, insulted, looked down upon and abused multiple times while you felt like no one could love you and everyone hates you. Sometimes you just need help to do something because you're not strong enough on your own. Bum never got help. Stalking was like his "cry for help". How in hell do you expect him to even face the next day?! Much less "do something".

    Start talking like that once you had even a glimpse of his emotional trauma.

    EmiliaLewandowska June 7, 2017 1:53 pm

    Nah Nah nah.Bum was abused.He had no one to talk to.Hus whole life was like hell and whenever he finds a person he likes-Sangwoo who seemed normal,turns out to be a psycho(a hot psycho ;)Bum still has no one to turn to.Without support of at least one friend or a family member it is so hard maybe even impossible to start over run or what so ever.I think you should re read ks and take a good look at bums life.He deserves so much better ;-;

    EmiliaLewandowska June 7, 2017 1:55 pm
    ow, boo ho, did your mom and dad hit you? Poor you :( Pray for you. Im sorry your family hates you :-( i didnt mean to offend a fictional character thus offending you :( ChanelHaiikyuu

    wow so tightIt's actually really pathetic what I are saying

    Kuroyakusoku June 7, 2017 6:11 pm

    Sure, I can understand your point that he's getting pretty annoying, but completely disregarding the situation is pretty pathetic on your behalf. Your argument is depressingly invalid. May I ask if you've been abused? Tormented? Kidnapped? Raped? Mentally unstable? I think your knowledge stretches to such a tiny extent that you find it hard to grasp the real understanding of the situation. Bum's been through a hell of a lot and if giving up is what takes for him to stay alive, then I'd cheer him on as loud as I possibly could. This man's seen and visited hell so many times, I'm surprised he hadn't already slit his wrists. Get a life, honestly.