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just my theory

cherryberry June 19, 2017 3:14 am


just my theory after losing my patience and seeing raw ..just didn't understand the context ... just my view please don't misunderstand the story..

when i saw the king and his doppelganger i was like maybe the king was her brother since the other who she loves cant be right? please tell me if i am wrong.. not at all sure since i don't understand the raw... please someone who can translate please update the chapter to clarify... in her flashback the brother looked liked the boy from the latest raw.... and it cant be coincidence that her brother looks so much like him....

but in her flashback her parents look like normal rich people not king or queen so don't know how and why her brother could be the king...seriously going mad , found a good manga but is lagging so much in updating chapter....not like it is translators fault since they super busy but please make time for this nice story line manga...
