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this is basically impossible to understand?? the translator's grammar makes it sound like ...

yurikatsukis June 22, 2017 12:15 am

this is basically impossible to understand?? the translator's grammar makes it sound like they barely speak english themselves -_-

    Anonymous June 22, 2017 12:28 am

    That's what you get when Google translate is used.

    Ario June 22, 2017 2:43 am

    I thought it was fine?

    Anonymous June 22, 2017 4:35 am

    You're right, actually. Fantranslator, the person who has been handling the scanlations, is German and knows some English.

    Anonymous June 22, 2017 4:47 am

    I myself am super gratefull for the translations and anyone who complains should be ready to do the job themselves!

    Anonymous June 22, 2017 12:12 pm
    I myself am super gratefull for the translations and anyone who complains should be ready to do the job themselves! @Anonymous

    If they're using Google translate anyone can do the job themselves.

    Yukio Takamiya June 22, 2017 5:39 pm

    The chapters will slowly be updated to the correct translations. You guys will be informed everytime there is an update. So perhaps you can get a better understanding then. As of now, chapter 14 has been changed to the correct translations. Do have a look.^^