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Not that serious

NeonRain June 25, 2017 10:59 am

Tbh I think a lot of you are over reacting. Let me explain.
You should never side with your lover just because you're dating them. I almost didn't want to read this volume because of how negative people are talking. Turns out, I disagree with mostly all of you.
Shinonome walked in on Yuki shoving Kousaka and he HIT A DESK. If I walked in on my lover violently shoving someone, I'd be like wtf. Disclaimer; Shinonome knows Yuki is quick to lose his temper, and he also knows that Kousaka is similar to Yuki (he calls them both big idiots, which made me a bit annoyed), but knows he's still someone to watch out for because of his crush. Shinonome walked Kousaka to the infirmary, basically told him he doesn't want him and he's sticking by Yuki's side, then went back to sort out what happened (which he couldn't do, because Yuki ran away). Shinonome knew that by telling Kousaka directly that he wasn't interested in him, Kousaka would end up treating Yuki negatively and would cause unnecessary hate (because Shinonome chose Yuki a long time ago). So I think Shinonome was waiting for a fall out like this to happen, but was shocked that it happened with violence. But, as usual, the manga artist likes to write all their characters with zero communication skills and caused drama. Cause I'm sure Shinonome knew Kousaka was most likely going to rile Yuki up. He just didn't know Kousaka would say what he did (which, later, turned out to also be a bit of a misunderstanding). The only good thing out of this was that Yuki was able to become more honest with his feelings.

Also, as a side note, can we discuss how shtty it is that all the characters in this series does is have sex instead of communicating and discussing their problems/issues? I never thought I'd see the day where I got annoyed with yaoi sex. If I wanted straight up yaoi sex scenes, I would read one shots. Don't give me sex where all the uke says is "no" and "stop". ESPECIALLY if they're telling their seme "I don't want to do it here". I want meaningful sex. Or nice consensual sex. I'm tired of the ukes acting like they don't want it. It's getting uncomfortable.

    nemu June 29, 2017 5:41 pm

    I agree!

    yuukifangs August 23, 2017 12:17 am

    so its not just me with the uncomfortable factor? ive actually started inserting words that the ukes dont say to make whole sentences. it goes from 'no... stop' to 'no *dont* stop' but ive got nothing for 'not here' or 'i dont want to do it here/now' Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

    Amorim January 24, 2018 8:49 pm

    I completely disagree. Maybe you've never been in a tense situation like a fight before, but I have. I have 2 little brothers who beat each other and their friends up all the time when they fight. The worst thing I could do to make them feel like shit is to grab one brother who looks like they're being picked on and treat his wounds and yell at the other telling them they did a terrible thing. Thing is, you don't know who started it and whose to blame so you're supposed to ASK. I can only imagine if my significant other just assumed I was guilty and took another girls side over mine and led her away without hearing my explanation. I'd break up with him. That's so inconsiderate and rude. Also yukimura is tsudere and shinonome (usually) knows when he's pushing him too far. That's the whole basis of their relationship. Shinonome knows everything Yuki likes and puts up with him because he knows everything about him and loves him. He knows Yuki would never willingly make a move or do anything because of his personality, so he initiates everything and doesn't let him run away. I guess I can kinda see why you see it the way you do though.