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Say10_grandpa June 27, 2017 6:15 am

Okay just posting to clear it up for ppl who actually want to listen and understand why so much hate is given to this series. Before I do that though, I'm going to be writing MY experience. I started reading super lovers when I just had turned 14 and began reading bl. Put it off for a while ( I literally read like the first chapter and was weirded out bc the kid was like 8 hello??) then some months later decided to read it and actually liked it so much. And for a long time it was my fav. BUT that was when I was 14. I am now 16 and if I had read it now I wouldn't like it at all. I didn't think there was much wrong with ren x haru bc seeing as he was almost my age and how i'd also grow to love haru bc he's just so "charming and caring''. Now imaging if he wasn't or if he was actually his brother, how would you see it then? Not so "hot" or appropriate either way. Just these two years I have grown and learned through experience (and fiction) that when I look back and reread some of the chapters it IS (if not borderline) pedophilia. Obviously someone who hasn't read anything or watched the anime would think "disgusting this is a kid x adult relat." But someone who has actually read it and liked it would lean towards ( don't even say you haven't done it) OVERLOOKING some things that would be considered inappropriate (unless you're a hardcore fujoshi and all your barriers have already been broken) And for a while you'd convince yourself into thinking that's ok. But it's not and you know it. I'll say it as many times as I need to, just cs the age of consent is 13 in Japan doesn't make it ok. A lot of ppl try defending it by saying " yeah it's not like they have sex or they started doing ~really~ pervy things later on. Cs holy shit how does that make it ok for it to keep Happening? Ren is just 16 and as mature as this kid can be he is STILL just a kid and one that has gone through a really rough time. It isn't hard to see why he would be so attached to haru seeing as he has taken care of him when not many ppl have. But Haru takes advantage, even if he doesn't mean to, of rens vulnerability and inexperience which leads ren into thinking "he's the only one". I know that sounds like too much but reread early and middle chapters and you can see it happening slowly. ALSO there's one thing talking to your step brother about masturbating and letting him know stuff but to actually put your hands on him ( just makes ren think more things like this are ok) and it now seems like ren throws himself to haru and getting rejected by him, but who can blame the kid seeing as it was haru in the first place who, through his actions, made the "first moves" so to end this long ass rant, I KNOW this is bl and it's suppose to have guy on guy scenes but couldn't miyuki have had made ren a bit older (lets say 15) when they had their reunion after years? Or better yet haru not so old marking this manga a close step into pedo territory? (also talking about that awful shouta shit) seriously the only reason I'll keep reading is because I have hopes that Akira ( an actual kid that's Rens age) and cute lil deserving Ren get together or at the very least become good friends. Ari If ya read this far, but tell me if you agree cs I feel like I'm the only one who sees it this way (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    X June 28, 2017 5:12 am
    Another dumb cunt. It takes time to form strong familial bond and be comfortable to the point of KISSING someone. Pig was literally on vacation, literally few months and you want me to believe that it's okay to... @YouSkank

    I have someone i love but then my mom remarried and my step dad introduce me to my step brother the boy i love and now became my step brother i know it's sound like manga or tv drama or something but it's true and it's hard to know the man you love became your brother but thank god he didn't know i like him and didn't like me back so i know haru feeling you said that they family and haru kissing ren is wrong i know it's wrong but But he does not choose his life to be that way. He would be happier if they were not family but life said otherwise

    Bae June 28, 2017 8:23 am
    I have someone i love but then my mom remarried and my step dad introduce me to my step brother the boy i love and now became my step brother i know it's sound like manga or tv drama or something but it's true ... @X

    Let it be hon . She or he will only abuse and say some stupid thing .its a llort .