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totally, in chap 4, I hate hate hate seme too much, fuck him. A girl seduces him and he le...

riki-kun July 24, 2017 6:31 pm

totally, in chap 4, I hate hate hate seme too much, fuck him. A girl seduces him and he lets her BJ. SO DISGUSTING. I wish uke could find other who are better then this seme. FUCK FUCK AND FUCK

    Mameiha July 31, 2017 6:44 am

    Your comment definitely says something about how you view victims of sexual assault. Men are victims of rape and sexual assault too. They feel just as dirty and just as violated as female victims. They don't think they are lucky just because they got some pussy pushed on to them. Boys are taught to be gentle with girls and never hit them or shove them. So, what should they do to get away from a girl who is persistent and puts her mouth on his penis or straddles it? Call out, yell, scream? So he can be accused of taking advantage of her and ruining her reputation after she sheds a few tears and tells a few lies? I won't even begin to delve into the hell created for a man when a woman rapes him with the intention of getting pregnant. How would you feel if a female victim were forced, by her rapist, to keep a child conceived during her rape? Pissed, right? Yet, male victims of rape/envelopment are often forced to pay child support for children conceived during their rape. Women have men, literally, by the balls when it comes to sexual assault and rape. Even when men are the victim, they are treated as the bad guy. You have this misconception that men can't be victimized by women. Men just can't report it without the fear of being accused of being the perpetrator. Rape laws, in most countries, don't even include "envelopment", they only consider penetration to be rape. Men are left high and dry by the law when it comes to being raped by a woman. A woman convicted of rape or sexual assault will also spend 60% less time incarcerated for her crime than a man would who is convicted of the same offense.

    The kid in the story... he was sexually assaulted. If you believe that, because he got an erection, he consented, then a female victim is consenting if her pussy gets wet. "But, but that's a horrible thing to say about a woman who is a victim!", you say? Yes, it is, and it's equally as horrible to say the same about a man. Neither can control a physiological reaction to stimulus. Female victims of rape will even have orgasms, which makes them feel even worse about themselves. The same applies to male victims of rape. They feel just as bad for being in a horrible situation and having that happen. I'm sure you'd get pissed if a female victim of rape was told "Well, at least you got a good orgasm out of it." Yet, male victims of rape/envelopment and sodomy are told this frequently.

    Your views about men and sexual assault/rape are sexist and skewed. Having sex with someone without consent is rape, regardless of whether the non-consenting party is male or female. Not all men are rapists and not all rapists are men.

    riki-kun August 1, 2017 6:53 am
    Your comment definitely says something about how you view victims of sexual assault. Men are victims of rape and sexual assault too. They feel just as dirty and just as violated as female victims. They don't th... Mameiha

    oh my god, =))))), sorry, but I mean in this story is that. I dont like a person that when someone seduce them and let this one do anything they like. So for example in the future, if other girls seduce him again and want him fuck her. So he agrees, oh no, no no. I cant accept this. If this seme didnt want, he has many ways to escape, if you tell a guy has to be gentle with a girl, so he has to let her do anything she like. I dont understand what you say. I only mean I detest a person who is easily seduced by someone and let them do anything they like. I think you go further

    Mameiha August 1, 2017 9:44 am
    oh my god, =))))), sorry, but I mean in this story is that. I dont like a person that when someone seduce them and let this one do anything they like. So for example in the future, if other girls seduce him aga... riki-kun

    I think I understand what you mean and I might agree with you. Let me ask you this... What else could he do to stop her or escape? Remember, when he realized what was happening and that the uke was at the door, he stood up and left. So, he DID stop her and he DID escape. He did not agree to her seduction, he did not say, "Yes, I want to do this." He said NOTHING at all. He did not even THINK, "Yes, I want to do this." Not speaking and not thinking usually means the person is shocked. When he understands what she is going to do, he leaves. He did not let her keep going.

    We call people who let others take advantage of them, "doormats" where I live because everybody in the house walks on a door mat with their shoes on. I agree with you, I do not like those kinds of people either. I just don't think the seme was acting like a "doormat", I think he was shocked and confused because the girl was very bold. Bold girls are very common where I live, but in Japan they are not common. Guys where I live would not be shocked by a bold girl, but a guy in Japan would be. I do not think it is fair to assume that his silence was consent.

    riki-kun August 1, 2017 2:03 pm
    I think I understand what you mean and I might agree with you. Let me ask you this... What else could he do to stop her or escape? Remember, when he realized what was happening and that the uke was at the door,... Mameiha

    hahaha, okie, I get it, I understand now, thank you for explaining it. May be Iam aggressive because the culture of me country is completely different, ah no, might be because I dont know some bad aspects in my nation. Gay guys in my nation, they are faithful, at least many gay guys I meet are preferable and it is hard for them to be seduced. =)).

    Mameiha August 1, 2017 4:07 pm
    hahaha, okie, I get it, I understand now, thank you for explaining it. May be Iam aggressive because the culture of me country is completely different, ah no, might be because I dont know some bad aspects in my... riki-kun

    This is interesting. I have hundreds of gay friends, but they are mostly in "adult entertainment" (strip clubs, sex clubs, gay bars, etc) and are very promiscuous. I think it is their job and not their sexuallity that makes them that way. I do have gay friends who are faithful and romantic, but they are not many. It is also different because I and my friends are from a much older generation too. I am 47 and most of those friends I spoke of are my age or older. We grew up when being gay was not at all accepted. Many gays were rebellious against values like marriage and committed relationships because it was seen as too hetero. Men also bond differently than women because our brain chemistry is different. When women are happy we release the hormone oxytocin. This is the same hormone that is released when we have a baby, it is the "bonding" hormone. Men release oxytocin too, but not in the quantities that women do. So, men bond slower over time and women bond very quickly. This is best observed after orgasm, when oxytocin is released in vast quantities for women but only a trickle for men. Women will want to marry (bond with) the person they sleep with, but men can have multiple partners without being really attached to any of them. Women are capable of sleeping around too, don't misunderstand, it's just harder for them to fight the "bonding" feeling. They have to use "higher brain functions" like rationalization and compensation in order to do it. I studied this in a joint paper I wrote for my college psychology and anatomy classes: The Psychology of Sex. I think men are lucky to be the way they are. They suffer devastating heartbreak at a much lower rate of occurrence than women. A woman will suffer five devastating heartbreaks in her lifetime, where a man will suffer two. This is part of the "bonding" or "oxytocin effect".

    I'm sure cultural circumstances have a role in male/male couples staying together longer and thus creating a stronger bond. For example, if being "outed" is a death or jail sentence, one would not want to take on and break up with many partners that could leak that information. Whereas, if you are in a country where you can be openly gay without recrimination or retribution, everyone is already aware of your sexuality and having two or twenty partners will not make a difference in who knows your sexuality. Staying with a lover longer, even if it is out of necessity, allows time for a deeper bond to form for men.

    Thanks for talking with me. I've really enjoyed our conversations and I hope to do it again in the future.

    riki-kun August 2, 2017 2:54 pm
    This is interesting. I have hundreds of gay friends, but they are mostly in "adult entertainment" (strip clubs, sex clubs, gay bars, etc) and are very promiscuous. I think it is their job and not their sexualli... Mameiha

    Oh my god, I precisely admire you. You are knowledgable, you know, some old people in my country, they did not know about LGBT's world, I appreciate that they consider gay or les is sick. The reasons that lead to many gay guys become playboy or unfaithful are the negative look of society to them. If they live in a nation that people have bad behavious with them, they will become like that. I remember one of my friend, he suicided 4 years ago because of his lover. I shocked and downed in the dump. I think because the right of LGBT could not be accepted by many people, so many gay guys think, in the future, they have to abandon their true love and marry some women that they dont love. Therefore, they play around other gay guys
    Ah, there are some problems that I could not understand, honestly, Iam scared Bisexual, but you know, almost mangas of mangakas in Japan. They construct their stories about Bi or Hetero too much. I dont understand why. I think it can not happen and I can not believe in their love. You know, I always think in the future, if they meet some girls, they will marry them. Additionally, there are many girls around them and before dating with a guy, they used to go out with many girls, I cant get it.

    nigger November 4, 2017 6:48 pm
    This is interesting. I have hundreds of gay friends, but they are mostly in "adult entertainment" (strip clubs, sex clubs, gay bars, etc) and are very promiscuous. I think it is their job and not their sexualli... Mameiha

    you right alot

    Mystique Horizon June 1, 2018 1:42 pm
    Your comment definitely says something about how you view victims of sexual assault. Men are victims of rape and sexual assault too. They feel just as dirty and just as violated as female victims. They don't th... Mameiha

    Mystique Horizon June 1, 2018 1:45 pm
    I think I understand what you mean and I might agree with you. Let me ask you this... What else could he do to stop her or escape? Remember, when he realized what was happening and that the uke was at the door,... Mameiha