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oxofuegoxo September 14, 2017 5:31 am

Some of you are sick and disgusting for wanting a killer to get away with murder, what is wrong with you. Does it really matter that the cops are being underhanded, their not killing innocent people, some of you absolutely disgust me in these comments with your twisted logic. Yes this story isn't real, but your feelings of enjoyment of a killer getting away fictional or not is very real, we can all shut off the story and close the laptop from the story but we can't shut off our feelings that follow us day to day and thats the problem.

    Anonymous September 8, 2017 6:12 pm

    Well this is manga, not reality. And if you think this is sick, you haven't seen actual crimes or how politics work yet. There seems to be another type of human that exists in the dark.

    Bruhhh September 8, 2017 6:14 pm

    Light up... We are completely sane and aware of what's good and bad...
    People have different taste so don't impose your standards... I'm basically just enjoying the suspense and plot of this manga... And I'm not really applying this to real life

    Anonymous September 8, 2017 6:25 pm

    This s not real life, its just a story. People are allowed to like whoever they want to in a story. It's not as if this is actually happening in real life. To call people 'sick' or 'disgusting' over a fictional story is uncalled for. There a people in real life who practically worship real killers... Those are the people you should say are sick not people who are just trying to enjoy a story that is completely made up. So please be more considerate with your comments, thanks.

    oxofuegoxo September 14, 2017 5:18 am
    This s not real life, its just a story. People are allowed to like whoever they want to in a story. It's not as if this is actually happening in real life. To call people 'sick' or 'disgusting' over a fictional... @Anonymous

    Lol, it is sick and you want me to be more considerate of people who glory in a killer fictional or not, the story may not be real but the people whose feeling of glee for a killer are very real, so consider that. To what end do we believe it's okay because "its not real" lol

    oxofuegoxo September 14, 2017 5:20 am
    Well this is manga, not reality. And if you think this is sick, you haven't seen actual crimes or how politics work yet. There seems to be another type of human that exists in the dark. @Anonymous

    This manga isn't real but peoples enjoyment of a killer getting away are very real and you clearly haven't seen actual crimes and politics yourself if you don't think whats wrong with psychopaths doesn't start in their ways of thinking and not knowing the difference between right and wrong lol

    oxofuegoxo September 14, 2017 5:23 am
    Light up... We are completely sane and aware of what's good and bad...People have different taste so don't impose your standards... I'm basically just enjoying the suspense and plot of this manga... And I'm not... @Bruhhh

    Lol, you could have skipped my comment but clearly you want to impose your opinion about my opinon so follow your own rules because you're clearly triggered that although the story isnt real you are a real human being really empathizing with a killer getting a way, thats whats real in all this and sick. People don't get to just turn off their actual feelings but they can close a book or end a chapter.