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Ok, I hate to be the one to do this again, but there are a ton of mistranslation in the la...

Fish October 16, 2017 11:35 pm

Ok, I hate to be the one to do this again, but there are a ton of mistranslation in the latest chapter. Since a lot of people are confused, let me help clarify.

Page 10, "Dating you isn't my intention." should be "That is not what I meant." Hatoyama never mentioned having no interest in dating Hitsuji. He was refering to previous page where Hitsuji talked about how even though he is gay, it doesn't mean he will fall for any men.

Page 17, almost whole page is mistranslated. What Hatoyama thinks should be "I am really spoiled by you. To think that looking at this makes me want to see you. The symptom is getting worse." The symptom he is refering to is him falling for Hitsuji.

Page 18, "I wonder if he wouldn't want to see me again." should be, "I wonder if he doesn't want me to come."

Page 19, "That dream, looks so real." should be, "That dream, I wonder how much of it is real."

Page 20, "His face blushes a little. I thought I was having delusions." should be, "Though he looks a little troubled. As I thought, I inserted my own delusions in it."

Page 27, "Why are you doing all of this for me?" should be, "Why do you go so far for my sake?"

Page 29, "I'm so glad you're coming. I was thinking Hinata won't come back here anymore. And I'm gonna be alone here." should be "Thank you for coming, When I'm alone, all I could think of is what if Hinata is not coming back."

Page 43, "He always say his feeling properly." should be, "He always easily gives out an answer." Basically this line means that Hatoyama is honest and straightforward with his feeling.

Page 44, "I was waiting for you for so long." should be, "I have always one-sidedly loved you."

There are more but I think these are the important ones. A lot of them sounds similar but nuances are lost, while others are simply wrong altogether. Hope this helps to understand the story better, especially in regards of Hatoyama's mindset.

    Kisa October 16, 2017 11:52 pm

    Thank you!

    Mesh-ter October 17, 2017 12:51 am

    This really changes everything! Thank you so much!

    berkian October 17, 2017 1:29 am

    thank you! I was so confused with how he went from not wanting to date to loving makes so much more sense now

    Anonymous October 17, 2017 1:34 am

    I'm the translator this manga. Thank you for you attention but still I have my style for my translation so its not changes the meaning then. Thank you.

    justice for grammar October 17, 2017 1:55 am
    I'm the translator this manga. Thank you for you attention but still I have my style for my translation so its not changes the meaning then. Thank you. @Anonymous

    Thank you for all your work translator-san. But you should really accept to learn from others. "style"shoudn't change the meaning as much, comments said it all.

    Anonymous October 17, 2017 3:02 am

    For @justiceformanga
    I will say this my fault. I reading this and unfortunately my translations have changed by proof reader so that's not mine. I'm sorry not check it. I'm so sorry. Thank you.

    Mae October 17, 2017 3:52 am

    I'm sure some (or sure maybe a lot of readers) are thankful for your retranslation but posting retranslations on a public forum without regard to the hardwork or feelings of the team who worked on this. Sure you may have accurate translation (I dont know I haven't read the raws yet) but please have a little consideration to the feelings of everyone working hard to release this manga. You didnt even gave them the chance to fix the project. I don't know about the translator but if this happened to me on a project I would drop that project and ask you to take responsibility and do it in my place. This isn't just a simple kindness for readers. It's like hijacking someone else's project. If you are unsatisfied with the work done you can voice it out but this is like taking over someone else's work without doing the real hardwork (scanning, cleaning, typesetting, proofreading) and I just feel really bad for the team who worked on this. I don't disapprove of 2teams working on the same projecf if the 2nd is higher in quality. You could have released your own version if you want to take over that much but doing it this way leaves a bad taste to my mouth.

    Fish October 17, 2017 5:58 am
    I'm sure some (or sure maybe a lot of readers) are thankful for your retranslation but posting retranslations on a public forum without regard to the hardwork or feelings of the team who worked on this. Sure yo... @Mae

    Sigh, i suppose I expected this to happen eventually since I had thoughts that perhaps I shouldn't have bothered. I just happened to be a fan of this manga, and seeing it having wrongly translated gets me, especially when reading the comment section. How the characters are completely misintrepreted.

    So you know, I am not trying to hijack someone's hardwork, more like I am trying to get people to appreciate a good manga, as I am a fan first and foremost. If that apparently going to make someone feel bad, then I guess I won't bother.

    Casper October 17, 2017 6:13 am
    Sigh, i suppose I expected this to happen eventually since I had thoughts that perhaps I shouldn't have bothered. I just happened to be a fan of this manga, and seeing it having wrongly translated gets me, espe... @Fish

    I personally appreciate the work and effort put in by the group but I also appreciate you putting out the correct translation as well~. I thank you very much for that~!

    Casper October 17, 2017 6:14 am

    Also, I have a question for you if you wouldn't mind~! I would like to ask you privately though~. It's okay if you decline :3

    Mae October 17, 2017 6:19 am
    Sigh, i suppose I expected this to happen eventually since I had thoughts that perhaps I shouldn't have bothered. I just happened to be a fan of this manga, and seeing it having wrongly translated gets me, espe... @Fish

    I get where you're coming from but as I also do translations, i guess I just got a little crazy when I saw it. I always put please do not retranslate and let me know about any changes made when i submit my translation to any group and most groups dont allow retranslations too because it's lowering the translators morale and also like being disrespectful of the group's hard work. For me, eventhough I sometimes have a hard time expressing proper translation in english as japanese is really hard to pack in english, I still think translating is the easiest and fastest job in a scanlation project so i really appreciate the cleaners, editors, type setters and everyone else. I've calm down a little when I peaked at the raws but I still don't wish to be usurped like this. So maybe next time you can ask the group to fix it or as I've said do your own project so as not to step on any toes. This is just my personal opinion and ofcourse we all have different opinions.

    Anonymous October 17, 2017 6:34 am
    Sigh, i suppose I expected this to happen eventually since I had thoughts that perhaps I shouldn't have bothered. I just happened to be a fan of this manga, and seeing it having wrongly translated gets me, espe... @Fish

    Way to miss the point of the comment. You could have asked the translator first before posting the retranslations. But either you didn't do that or you forgot to tell people you asked. Which do you think is more believable? That was the whole point of the comment you were replying to. Seeing as you misinterpreted that it's ironic you're explanation for retranslating is because other people misinterpreted. BTW, I've seen many a manga mistranslated that way? Why haven't I seen you on THOSE? T.

    ZumiN October 17, 2017 6:37 am
    I'm sure some (or sure maybe a lot of readers) are thankful for your retranslation but posting retranslations on a public forum without regard to the hardwork or feelings of the team who worked on this. Sure yo... @Mae

    What are you saying? This person didn’t even release their own version, so how is that hijack? They just posted the accurate translation. As an ex-translator myself, I tend to lost it when I read my favorite manga with bunch of mistranslations that’s why I don’t usually read this group’s scanlations. And just because someone it and worked hard for it, doesn’t mean no one can speak out the accurate translation. I’ve seen a lot of people who does that, even some scanlation groups points out mistranslations of other’s translation, moreover, they do it by posting it on tumblr, and i see nothing wrong with that. And what this “Fish” person did by commenting the accurate translation is waaaay respectful than to release their own version.

    ZumiN October 17, 2017 6:38 am
    What are you saying? This person didn’t even release their own version, so how is that hijack? They just posted the accurate translation. As an ex-translator myself, I tend to lost it when I read my favorite ... ZumiN

    just because someone scanlated and worked hard for it*

    Yandere chan October 17, 2017 6:59 am
    Sigh, i suppose I expected this to happen eventually since I had thoughts that perhaps I shouldn't have bothered. I just happened to be a fan of this manga, and seeing it having wrongly translated gets me, espe... @Fish

    No you just corrected what was wrong. I don't know how in anyway you hijacked someone's work by just correcting some mistakes on a comment section.i don't even get it .?you did nothing told people the real meaning of the sentence which I am really was bothering me when he said dating you isn't my attention ,I was like why would you say that.but I am glad it's not like that.because it change the whole meaning of the words and feeling.

    Fish October 17, 2017 7:15 am
    Way to miss the point of the comment. You could have asked the translator first before posting the retranslations. But either you didn't do that or you forgot to tell people you asked. Which do you think is mor... @Anonymous

    Whelp, lots of angry people here. I did not know that posting it in a place where most people can see, therefore will lessen the misinterpretation is going to make a lot of people mad.

    Anyway, I have done scanlating work before, so I know exactly how hard it is. And I have had people correcting me before, and rather than getting mad or discouraged, I highly appreciate it because the best thing we as fans could honor the mangaka is the most accurate translation, and of course buying to support them.

    P.S: I have done it in Yoidore Koi O Sezu, though that one doesn't have as much mistakes as this one. Anyway, I'm outta here. I apologize if I made anyone feel bad, which is not my intention. Next time, I will go directly to the group. Lesson learned. Peace.

    Mae October 17, 2017 7:30 am
    just because someone scanlated and worked hard for it* ZumiN

    As I've said in my 2nd reply this is just my own opinion and we all have different ones. Some people get angry when a poor quality tries to usurp the one with the higher quality but for me all of this are fanmade and everything isn't exactly legal and I don't get why the high quality one complains about trespassing on their territory eventhough all works are original and ofcourse the reader will flock to the one with better work. But this way of retranslating almost everything without your own raws, cleaned, typeset and everything gets to me more. Like nobody would even read or get that translation without this project as a reference. And this wouldn't even be released to be mocked and remade by someone else if it doesn't have a translator in the first place(no matter how mistranslated or badly edited it was. If the group asked for help then fine but they didnt ask so it's like intruding on their project. Like choosing a brand if you dont like this brand then go for another and not completely remake the rejected brand without the hard work. Or if you don't like this and you really have to FIX it then why not do it yourself and start from scratch.
    So for the third and last time this is only my opinion and what bothers me doesn't necessarily have to bother everyone and what doesn't bother me( like having 2 groups doing the same project so I can choose which one I like more ) could also be the switch for anger to somebody else.

    Fish October 17, 2017 7:45 am
    As I've said in my 2nd reply this is just my own opinion and we all have different ones. Some people get angry when a poor quality tries to usurp the one with the higher quality but for me all of this are fanma... @Mae

    I wonder if I say to look at this is as a constructive criticism, would that make you feel better? I mean CC does not have to be private, since it is covered under freedom of speech. People should be allowed to critisize others, especially if it would help them improve their future works. I say this in the most polite way I could, as I feel that if my intention is to mock, I would have used much harsher words.

    Anonymous October 17, 2017 7:50 am
    As I've said in my 2nd reply this is just my own opinion and we all have different ones. Some people get angry when a poor quality tries to usurp the one with the higher quality but for me all of this are fanma... @Mae

    Oh so that is the case they should not retranslate it in a comment section.because they do not have any raws , they shouldn't correct someone else mistake in a random comment section i don't see how it is harming .they just gave people the small idea that this should be there .it was just a mere idea about the lines but people still chose to make a big deal out of it .i don't understand where people go that time when other brutally and rudely bash scantalation for poor scans such as "if you don't know how to draw then don't draw it or you have translated it horribly.but this person only transacted what was right in a mere comment section and you made such a big deal out of it. People will only read it as reference .and will wait for the corrected version.and then read it.its not like people are satisfied with this comment and be like oh now this is great we don't need a correct translated version anymore because guess what someone in a comment section has already corrected it by typing it if that's the case then people would be satisfied with raws getting translated in a comment section .I don't think there was such a big deal about it.hijacking someone's else project without asking them I can see the problems .but just typing the right words in a comment section .it doesn't harm scantalation team.because people want the real thing.the manga.not just a comment .oh but that's my opinion and everyone can have their own.

    Anonymous October 17, 2017 10:41 am
    Oh so that is the case they should not retranslate it in a comment section.because they do not have any raws , they shouldn't correct someone else mistake in a random comment section i don't see ho... @Anonymous

    Ikr. This mac guy makes so much fuss just because he/she can't take criticisms.