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I couldn't quite like the one Anji and Sensei. I couldn't forget about the student who was...

aerslevdi November 7, 2017 6:24 pm

I couldn't quite like the one Anji and Sensei. I couldn't forget about the student who was jealous of Sensei because he saw him with Anji.
Anji reassures him and then nothing? Sensei forgets about him.
But such a character and such a scene shows how little Anji cares for his partners, how he misleads them and also Sensei doesn't care about his student even though the story started with him wanting to be a better teacher.
From that moment on I couldn't care less about them.

    Anonymous February 3, 2018 5:39 am

    That student is obviously a sex partner who fell in love with Anji..
    with Anji's "loose" personality with exes coming over with broad understanding like that.. it shows how "open" Anji is with his bed partners..
    You cannot expect someone like that to actually care for every one of his sex friends... There many thing not said in this manga but they are implied..
    You should try to re-read it to understand a bit more before complaining about "obvious" points..
    well, that's just me don't really have to re-read...
    what im just sayin is you are totally barking the wrong tree..
    you are pointing out things that makes you look like you really didn't understand the point of the story..

    Im not saying you have to like this.. but at least.. you should have more of an understanding of the story before you complain about it??

    p.s. the story didn't start as sensei wanting to be a better sensei.. it started off showing how disappointed he was in reality bec. it is very different than his imagination and fantasy about PE teacher.. Like I said.. you pointed out things.. you OBVIOUSLY did not understand..

    aerslevdi February 5, 2018 4:51 am
    That student is obviously a sex partner who fell in love with Anji..with Anji's "loose" personality with exes coming over with broad understanding like that.. it shows how "open" Anji is with his bed partners..... @Anonymous

    I don't know if you read a similar manga with the same names or if you are a troll but I'll try anyway.
    If it was so obvious then you should have noted that Anji's treatment of the student as well as the student's behaviour weren't that of two people involved in a willing sex friend relationship. Jealousy is not a feeling typical of such a relationship, nor is encouraging such sentiments as Anji does. Anji knowingly reassures him of a seemingly exclusive relationship and of his feelings. He blatantly manipulates him to maintain the status quo of the relationship. And the Sensei sees this. And he most surely knows of this as the story advances. Something that is never addressed.
    Maybe instead of being rude, you should try something called reading comprehension. Yes. The student was a sex partner. FROM ANJI'S POINT OF VIEW. And maybe not even that. The way that Anji treats him is more like a convenient sex toy, a pet that he maintains happy just in case.

    AnglophileLuka February 16, 2018 6:01 am

    The student was obviously an old sex-friend that Anji had sorta "given up on" - whether this was because of the student being too shy to take up contact or him falling in love with Anji and being too jealous is hard to say. The only reason he reasures him when they meet at school (which he also points out straight after to sensei) is because of this "dangerous" jealousy, which would have been directed towards sensei if he hadn't said to him what he wanted to hear.

    I'm not defending Anji, I'm just saying he's clever at handling people and their emotions. He seems to be playing many games. Very scheming and sees through actions and people. Also very laid-back and the type who goes with the flow. Very emotionally guarded though, so not the type to just let anyone in. Sensei is therefore special to him somehow.

    I'm just saying that I get Anji - I could easily have become the same sorta shitty guy he is, lol

    Myllie1 April 18, 2018 11:45 pm

    Yeah, I went through it without quite reading or giving it much attention, I was expecting for him to have a side story or something... Really got stuck on my head. The fact that the sensei didn't care I could understand, but it was never addressed again. It was just there, as a plot device to show that Anji plays and fucks around with guys. For me it was SO an elephant in the room and I could understand if the last story was about him but... Really, he never even appeared again...

    Anidict13 June 30, 2018 8:06 am
    The student was obviously an old sex-friend that Anji had sorta "given up on" - whether this was because of the student being too shy to take up contact or him falling in love with Anji and being too jealous is... AnglophileLuka

    Honestly, it's that exact reason why I wanted at least one more chapter regarding that story/plot line. I can't really tell how serious Anji really was about sensei because of his personality, and I don't really know how far Anji can go just to make a man he's interested in as his, but more than that, I also want to know or "hear" confirmation from Sensei as well.

    @aerslevdi About the kid/student, he's not really that important to the overall storyline, I guess?? He is one of Anji's many sex partners (probably, with how he's bi (or maybe pan) and he's very attractive to everyone, not to mention his implied lifestyle) so it would be strange for Anji to solely focus on him when he has many sex friends. Plus Sensei wouldn't really deal with the kid since he would rather not let anyone else from school know and he wouldn't really want the kid to know more than he already does so that he can keep his job and status as a 'respectable' teacher. Unless the kid confronts him, it's most likely sensei will try not to have the two of them get involved and tangled and shit.