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Just once

fujoshi_ph November 17, 2017 6:52 am

I'm not the only one, right? Dont get me wrong, I love Akihito, too. But I really wish for Fei and Asami to have it at least once. Just... do it... even for just one time. I really wanna see Asami do Fei (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Lightasus November 19, 2017 1:01 am
    If you want smut, just look for a fanfic. It would actually be very telling if that actually happens in the story, and not in a good way. Kin

    You know I was thinking, it used to be that if you wanted smut you'd be told to read some yaoi manga, how times have changed if now people direct others to fanfics for that ( ̄∇ ̄")

    LadyLight November 19, 2017 2:10 am
    Drugging/bash on the back of the head > tie up > etc etc Smoothie

    Not a good idea (⊙…⊙ )

    Northwest November 19, 2017 4:24 am
    I'm guessing the other way is killing off Akihito? I'd say you're being extreme, but something something desperate times desperate measures Smoothie

    No need to kill anyone off here, that would be what's too extreme. What if it were simply that Akihito asked Asami and Fei to have sex so he could watch and satisfy his voyeuristic tendencies? Then there would be no need for head bashing...

    Anonymous November 19, 2017 4:44 am
    No need to kill anyone off here, that would be what's too extreme. What if it were simply that Akihito asked Asami and Fei to have sex so he could watch and satisfy his voyeuristic tendencies? Then there would ... @Northwest

    But then that would be OOC for Akihito... unless its a dream of course.

    Anonymous November 19, 2017 10:06 am

    Come on, boys! There would be many ways to create a romantic scene between Asami and Feilong without hurting the main story. Akihito may have a nightmare and dream of a betrayal of Asami; or Sensei could draw a flashback set years before the main pair. And if I should be honest, though Asami had a romantic relationship with Fei in HL, I would not have seen any problems with Akihito (which Asami knew seven years later). What is the truth? Simple: YA does not want to draw any picture of the two because he knows that this would be non-canonical and that even in his dream would damage the fandom. Finder is not a novel, it's a comic. In a comic the images are fundamental. Sensei does not want to encourage AxF in any way. I think it's okay. But I think she should launch a partner for Feilong (in the comic, not in a novel) to make it clear that Feilong does not want Asami anymore in a romantic way. Asami's feelings are clear: he wants Akihito. But now in fandom prevails the idea that Feilong will always love Asami. This is the main reason why AxF fans still exist. They are looking for a Fei charge that will never come. This is my opinion.

    Reality bites November 19, 2017 5:17 pm
    Come on, boys! There would be many ways to create a romantic scene between Asami and Feilong without hurting the main story. Akihito may have a nightmare and dream of a betrayal of Asami; or Sensei could draw a... @Anonymous

    I am in agreement with you. Feilong love story is yet to be written. I don't know if it will be since this is Asami and Takaba. Feilong grew up and long ago moved beyond. People forget he blamed Asami for his father's death according to Feilong and the bullet wound he carried not leaving him.

    Anonymous November 19, 2017 6:14 pm
    I am in agreement with you. Feilong love story is yet to be written. I don't know if it will be since this is Asami and Takaba. Feilong grew up and long ago moved beyond. People forget he blamed Asami for his... @Reality bites

    exact. Fei's story has not been written and it is not said that will be. But I think if Sensei would even draw a single page, a single kiss between Fei and Yoh, or Mik etc. AxF would disappear altogether. I hope this happens, it would not be a great effort and would take nothing away from the main pair. Also remember that even if Finder ends, Sensei could draw short chapters and extra, without commitment or deadlines by entering whoever wants: AxA of course, but also Feilong x?, Mik x? etc...

    Reality bites November 19, 2017 7:53 pm
    exact. Fei's story has not been written and it is not said that will be. But I think if Sensei would even draw a single page, a single kiss between Fei and Yoh, or Mik etc. AxF would disappear altogether. I hop... @Anonymous

    true. One good panel of Yoh and Fei would do it . I believe that the real prob. is beyond just A and Fei but the people who have gotten used to getting attention for those posts, they will to cont. to troll. Bec. of them this page has attracted trolls . example he's ugly" under a post abt. Asami. It is easy to ignore yes. It has also fractured the page. You can't have a conversation abt. anything bec. it turns into a debate abt. against Fei Tababa fans. that is the way certain folks refer to each other and others by the posts. There are few Viewfinder fans and little posts abt. plot or story any more. That's my feeling

    Anonymous November 19, 2017 8:16 pm
    true. One good panel of Yoh and Fei would do it . I believe that the real prob. is beyond just A and Fei but the people who have gotten used to getting attention for those posts, they will to cont. to troll. B... @Reality bites

    the only way to eliminate trolls is to ignore them but unfortunately I see that this does not happen. But I do not talk about trolls. I speak of those who really and without bad intention still hope for a relationship between Asami and Feilong. Of course, I do not condemn them: everyone in his fantasies can do what he wants. But I'm sorry for them because they will experience a very strong disappointment

    Reality bites November 19, 2017 9:11 pm
    the only way to eliminate trolls is to ignore them but unfortunately I see that this does not happen. But I do not talk about trolls. I speak of those who really and without bad intention still hope for a relat... @Anonymous

    I ask you in all honesty she has been writing this for 15 years . Never any completion of the act. They are never going to Why, bec, Asami and Feilong are 2 sides of the exact same coin., who would never give up an inch of their power for the other. Why would they?

    Anonymous November 19, 2017 10:26 pm
    I ask you in all honesty she has been writing this for 15 years . Never any completion of the act. They are never going to Why, bec, Asami and Feilong are 2 sides of the exact same coin., who would never give u... @Reality bites

    I agree with you. No one would ever surrender to the other. It is no coincidence that Feilong has passed the feeling for Asami when he becomes equal.

    Reality bites November 20, 2017 9:47 am
    I agree with you. No one would ever surrender to the other. It is no coincidence that Feilong has passed the feeling for Asami when he becomes equal. @Anonymous

    I agree with you there is no coincidence that Feilong has long ago passed that feeling . Y. A. puts him on his feet in FNR. He seeks out Yoh not Asami. he is texting Takaba,yet people still chose to overlook Feilong's growth.

    Anonymous November 23, 2017 4:29 am

    Asami's innermost feelings are the same as Yoh's inner thoughts to FeiLong(in Fei's novel).

    Anonn November 23, 2017 4:47 am
    Asami's innermost feelings are the same as Yoh's inner thoughts to FeiLong(in Fei's novel). @Anonymous

    So, meaning?

    Reality bites November 23, 2017 8:38 am
    Asami's innermost feelings are the same as Yoh's inner thoughts to FeiLong(in Fei's novel). @Anonymous

    Asami's loves Feilong is what this poster is saying, that is the meaning behind the words.

    Anonymous November 23, 2017 9:27 am

    What FeiLong thought was not equal to truth. He didn't really understand Asami.
    Just like he didn't understand the real reason why Yoh left him. Only Yoh's inner monologue is the truth.

    Reality bites November 23, 2017 2:26 pm
    What FeiLong thought was not equal to truth. He didn't really understand Asami.Just like he didn't understand the real reason why Yoh left him. Only Yoh's inner monologue is the truth. @Anonymous

    No one knows what you are saying. Asami was not in FNR. has nothing to do with the novel. The novel takes place between Fei and Yoh. Asami and Yoh don't share one brain and 2 bodies. I;m ending here.

    J Unleashed November 23, 2017 5:34 pm
    What FeiLong thought was not equal to truth. He didn't really understand Asami.Just like he didn't understand the real reason why Yoh left him. Only Yoh's inner monologue is the truth. @Anonymous

    Actually, Fei Long knew exactly why Yoh turned down the chance to return to his position and he even expected that Yoh probably would refuse it even as he made the offer.

    It's true Fei doesn't understand Asami (who does?) but Fei realized on the casino ship that Asami loved Akihito.

    Fei was so hurt by this realization that he briefly hit the point that he wanted to die, which is why he tried to provoke Asami and Asami's men into shooting him (as a bonus, Asami would perish as well). Fortunately Akihito intervened.

    Seeing the truth before his eyes devastated him, and it was because of THAT that Fei didn't kill Yoh for his betrayal (since he could see Yoh grappling with the same kind of anguish). Yoh was in a similar mindset when he handed his gun to Fei Long and asked him to kill him.

    The whole intent of the final chapter in the NT arc was to resolve the question of "do Asami and Akihito love each other?" This is even stated by YA in her End Notes in Vol. 5. Volume 6 picks up with Asami and Akihito beginning their relationship.

    The final chapter in NT also gave some closure to Fei Long (Yoh's resolution came later in FnR).

    Anonymous November 24, 2017 2:39 pm

    I'm not saying that FeiLon realized he didn't know.
    He certainly thinks he knows at the moment.

    You can try to summarize the original and you'll see what I mean.
    "Fei's view on Yoh's departure" VS "Yoh's inner monologue"
    In the novel, Yoh did a lot of inner monologue and gave ample explanation. But these are things that Feilon didn't know.

    And then manga: "F's view on Asami's departure" VS "Asami's inner monologue"
    Unlike the novel, Asami in the manga does not have any inner monologue to explain himself.
    But the author gave us a lot of clues to help understand..."EMPATHY"

    Feilon didn't know why Yoh betrayed him, but he didn't ask, and Yoh didn't explain it. Yoh didn't ask for forgiveness, but he preferred to die under F's gun. The reason is that he loves Fei, so why does he suggest Asami steal Fei's deed? Can you understand that Yoh did everything because of love?
    Anyway, I just want to say that Fei Long's view is very limited. Like his inner monologue "a person's heart is so difficult to understand..."Now he didn't really understand, he understood wrong.The author is just showing the inner entanglements between them, and the answer hasn't been officially announced yet.

    Anonn November 24, 2017 3:44 pm
    I'm not saying that FeiLon realized he didn't know.He certainly thinks he knows at the moment.You can try to summarize the original and you'll see what I mean."Fei's view on Yoh's departure" VS "Yoh's inner mon... @Anonymous

    So you're trying to say that what we see about the manga and the novels is actually the partial (and not complete) version of any of the characters that interact with Asami but not the whole thing? sounds interesting.