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Just once

fujoshi_ph November 17, 2017 6:52 am

I'm not the only one, right? Dont get me wrong, I love Akihito, too. But I really wish for Fei and Asami to have it at least once. Just... do it... even for just one time. I really wanna see Asami do Fei (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Reality bites November 25, 2017 12:31 pm
    It is clearly not saying that I'm right. It is my interpretation, my vision of events, which could be completely wrong. But I find it useful and enjoyable to compare my feelings with that of other readers and t... @Anonymous

    a very interesting disc. It was enjoyable to compare.

    null November 25, 2017 12:39 pm

    Yoh said he didn't come to ask for forgiveness.
    When Yoh said, "If I am to die, Id rather die by your hand..."
    Fei said, “ and [everyone] else...[Is this your way of putting an end to tings]?”

    Yoh's answer is "This is the only way, for one whose heart was stolen by you."

    A is the same as Marie,
    All refused to explain, not to seek forgiveness, but rather to end everything with death

    LadyLight November 25, 2017 1:23 pm
    It is clearly not saying that I'm right. It is my interpretation, my vision of events, which could be completely wrong. But I find it useful and enjoyable to compare my feelings with that of other readers and t... @Anonymous

    For this vision of events, Sensei needs to be an extraordinarily good narrator, but I'm not sure she is. She might be really good but to subvert completely a story she needs really, really, really good skills.

    Anonymous November 25, 2017 1:38 pm
    For this vision of events, Sensei needs to be an extraordinarily good narrator, but I'm not sure she is. She might be really good but to subvert completely a story she needs really, really, really good skills. LadyLight

    She has already subverted this story. Have you read the first chapter? Developing that into the long-running series we have now took really really really good skills. If you think just anyone could have pulled that off, you're' talking out of your ass. As usual.

    Anonymous November 25, 2017 5:41 pm
    For this vision of events, Sensei needs to be an extraordinarily good narrator, but I'm not sure she is. She might be really good but to subvert completely a story she needs really, really, really good skills. LadyLight

    Hi Lady, maybe your comment does not refer to me. I'm the anonymous one who talked about Yoh. I could have mistaken my interpretation of Asami's "threat" to Yoh, but I do not think that thing overturns the main plot after all. I'm not the same person who speaks of inner monologues etc ... indeed because of google translator I did not understand that discussion unfortunately so I did not comment on anything. I would like to know your point of view about Asami / Yoh / Feilong's actions on the ship. I know you're a Fei x Yoh fan like me. I just came up to point out some cues about the analysis made by "J".

    LadyLight November 25, 2017 5:48 pm
    Hi Lady, maybe your comment does not refer to me. I'm the anonymous one who talked about Yoh. I could have mistaken my interpretation of Asami's "threat" to Yoh, but I do not think that thing overturns the main... @Anonymous

    Ok. Sorry, I thought you were the person with the idea Sensei is writing and drawing something completely different from what it appears to most. I like Fei & Yoh as a couple, their personalities are complementary from my point of view.

    And maybe they are already together at this point of the story (this is my guess) ^_~

    Anonymous November 25, 2017 5:48 pm

    I know that the presence of many anonymous makes it difficult to understand who is talking and writing, but unfortunately I have read many insults and various attacks, in my opinion very serious, so I prefer to remain anonymous. I apologize for this, but I'm a guy who is bad if he should be insulted.

    Anonymous November 25, 2017 5:49 pm

    "bad" means "sad"

    Anonymous November 25, 2017 5:54 pm
    Ok. Sorry, I thought you were the person with the idea Sensei is writing and drawing something completely different from what it appears to most. I like Fei & Yoh as a couple, their personalities are comple... LadyLight

    it would be wonderful to find out that Yoh is back in Hong Kong and that Feilong and Yoh are together. But if it is so Yoh must appear from next chapter: it would be strange if he left Fei alone in danger!

    Anonymous November 25, 2017 6:04 pm

    Finally, I conclude with a consideration on the main thrust. I would never want to see Asami and Feilong together. I admit they are beautifully designed and attract many fans, but the couple would not like it: boring, predictable and distressing. Incompatible in character and both dominant (semen or uke, no matter. They are both dominant). Obviously, I speak of a non-canon couple, as I have no doubt that Finder speaks of the love between Akihto and Asami. Only Akihto and Asami.

    Anonymous November 25, 2017 6:04 pm

    "semen" = seme

    LadyLight November 25, 2017 6:07 pm
    it would be wonderful to find out that Yoh is back in Hong Kong and that Feilong and Yoh are together. But if it is so Yoh must appear from next chapter: it would be strange if he left Fei alone in danger! @Anonymous

    Yeah, maybe. My idea is that Yoh is the person who's giving Fei secret info and maybe the same person who calls Fei to warn him about the men following him to Asami's hideout. Oo. Could it be? *0*

    Anonymous November 25, 2017 6:18 pm
    Yeah, maybe. My idea is that Yoh is the person who's giving Fei secret info and maybe the same person who calls Fei to warn him about the men following him to Asami's hideout. Oo. Could it be? *0* LadyLight

    Let's hope! By the way ... where are the Feilong men? They leave their leader in danger? I imagine the next chapter is crucial!

    LadyLight November 25, 2017 6:42 pm
    Let's hope! By the way ... where are the Feilong men? They leave their leader in danger? I imagine the next chapter is crucial! @Anonymous

    Yeah. Maybe Fei went inside alone (only with Yoh waiting for him outside *0*) and the only men there (not counting Asami and Fei) are Asami's underlings (with many of them dead by now) and their enemies *0* *0*
    Yeah, next chapter is crucial, can't wait for it!!

    Anonymous November 26, 2017 6:14 am
    Yeah. Maybe Fei went inside alone (only with Yoh waiting for him outside *0*) and the only men there (not counting Asami and Fei) are Asami's underlings (with many of them dead by now) and their enemies *0* *0... LadyLight


    J Unleashed November 26, 2017 5:38 pm
    I think it's as if Asami wanted to say "be careful, the seven years you have dedicated to me and of whom I am satisfied, they do not count anything for me if something happens to Akihito ... who is the most imp... @Anonymous

    Lol... he does give off that vibe.