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Haru<3Ren November 19, 2017 11:38 am

Okay, i've read a few comments and a few conversations and i think we all know he was bullied and im not sure what for BUT yoneda kou shows us a shadow of a guy in a school uniform! (Chapter 4/5 i think)

So i think he was bullied for being gay after confessing to him...
I know its a cliché but that shit will fuck you up if it happens...

I also think that cousin-san knows he's gay and thinks that guy-guy relationshils are easier than if a girl was involved (her comment about guys having it easy)

    Anonymous November 28, 2017 1:16 pm

    lolol u can be bullied in school for all kind of thinks. like parents are poor. beeing an ass. beeing poor.beeing rich. so dont say he is gay just bc u want it =)

    Anonymous November 28, 2017 1:17 pm
    lolol u can be bullied in school for all kind of thinks. like parents are poor. beeing an ass. beeing poor.beeing rich. so dont say he is gay just bc u want it =) @Anonymous

    and they all wear uniform in his old school--

    Haru<3Ren November 28, 2017 4:55 pm
    lolol u can be bullied in school for all kind of thinks. like parents are poor. beeing an ass. beeing poor.beeing rich. so dont say he is gay just bc u want it =) @Anonymous

    Well ofc you can be bullied for a variety of things but this is a yaoi so i dont think im off the mark... and ofc i want him to be gay, thats the whole point of this ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Haru<3Ren November 28, 2017 4:58 pm
    and they all wear uniform in his old school-- @Anonymous

    Yes thats what i was getting at... that at his previous school he was bullied because hes (most likely) gay. Its not the same uniform that hes wearing now so it must be from his other school. And it shows a GUY wearing the other uniform, not a girl. Thats why i think that he was bullied for being gay.

    Anonymous November 30, 2017 1:00 pm
    Yes thats what i was getting at... that at his previous school he was bullied because hes (most likely) gay. Its not the same uniform that hes wearing now so it must be from his other school. And it shows a GUY... Haru<3Ren

    noone said same school like can that be ? he moved... but the guys were wearing black gakuran so same school as him before. and they dont look disgusted the look grim. if they rly bullied him bc he was gay wouldnt the look be different? i hope its not this chiliche story i still hope and 90% sure it was a total different reason. bc i still think he doestn know he is gay.

    Haru<3Ren November 30, 2017 6:29 pm
    noone said same school like can that be ? he moved... but the guys were wearing black gakuran so same school as him before. and they dont look disgusted the look grim. if they rly bullied him bc he wa... @Anonymous

    I hope its not because hes gay but they could be very homofobic, thus the grim faces... but im sure it has something to do with being gay. That they think hes gay for some reason (doesnt have to be something real, maybe they got a vibe from him or something) or the confession senario. If im completely wrong, then great we've got an original story... if not the story would be just as good just a little predictable (though the mangakas stories arent usually predictable) (=・ω・=)

    Yue December 4, 2017 10:21 pm

    Huh, I thought it was just cause his parents are dead or something to do with that thus leading him into moving places and living with his cousin. Plus I feel like him falling for Take is making him feel guilty because he thinks Saki still likes him and he feels indebted to Saki (and her parents) for taking him in.

    Misfit-Kiwi December 15, 2017 9:48 am
    Huh, I thought it was just cause his parents are dead or something to do with that thus leading him into moving places and living with his cousin. Plus I feel like him falling for Take is making him feel guilt... Yue

    I thought this too.

    Anidict13 January 27, 2018 7:58 pm
    Huh, I thought it was just cause his parents are dead or something to do with that thus leading him into moving places and living with his cousin. Plus I feel like him falling for Take is making him feel guilt... Yue

    Good points! I think you're right, but I also agree with @Haru<3Ren that Ume might also have experienced some bullying from his old school. It would kinda explain why Ume seems so lonely -- friendless! -- and seem to avoid making friends. He's got no one who occasionally text or call him from his old school, and if this is even more emphasized with Ume being so certain that he doesn't need his cellphone: because no one will contact him. Plus his behavior and flashbacks seem like he experienced some trauma. I don't know if the trauma is going to be related to Ume's sexuality or something but I also think he's reluctant to fall for Take because of Saki. He's being too considerate for his own good.

    Rinsama_ March 10, 2018 6:47 pm

    I thought it was related to the girl.. About how they live together..

    Anonymous April 1, 2018 2:51 pm
    I thought it was related to the girl.. About how they live together.. Rinsama_

    Noooo dude, I think its cause he is gay. There are too many hints pointing towards this.

    You may say it is cliche trauma but it still happens in real life, traumatizing a lot of gay men and women and the mangaka is the type to portray a very realistic slice of life and relationship.

    He is guilty for falling for Take, cause he doesn't want his sexuality to drag Take down with him in this heternomative society especially when Ume experienced this first hand from his parents, So he wants Take and Saki to get together cause

    1 )being straight is the default in this world (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 and people think this is natural (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 wherease anything other than straight is abormal.

    2) He owes something to Saki family, cause he feels like he being there in her houshold is dragging their whole family down cause he is gay. This is based in Japan, so the way I understood it as an Asian is that Asian family's always and I mean always have to be this perfect air around them, giving other people the impression of a idolized family or otherwise it is room for gossip from other Asian family, being cursed, not given blessings, plus not extending the family lineage further, being mocked, it drags everyones name and reputation down just because of one small thing. So he understand he is gay and is trying not to act on his love for Take, especially when the girl is in the way. He has to act considerate towards her and allow her for happiness, forgetting about his own happiness cause it isn't possible for him (is how he thinks)

    is how I understood it. ╥﹏╥

    Anonymous April 1, 2018 2:52 pm

    damn so many grammatical error, please don't mind it. ^