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........i find i am actually okay with the main two?? the master and the older boy. he's l...

hataki November 30, 2017 8:12 pm

........i find i am actually okay with the main two?? the master and the older boy. he's less crazy than the brother. cause FUCK is that child dark as hell already. don't even want to know what he will be like in the future.

    Viira December 1, 2017 9:37 pm

    Im sad this has so many up votes....that last line was clearly meant as a hint to the readers through the voice of the child that the kids may be being made sick on purpose. Imagine being a child that age and having no peers to play with. Its not healthy. Especially with the huge amount of energy, learning, and imagination they have at that age. I think he's reacting very normally to his situation and could easily grow out of it if introduce to a healthy living environment....yet apparently a lot of people seem to defend the pedophile that has trapped the children there and is abusing them. This 2nd chapter clearly shows he makes sure to keep them on a VERY short leash and that he thinks of everybody based on status and that normal people are trash. He sees the kids as his belongings. Also, he's an adult, abuser, and pedophile. Don't see how a lonely and desperate child is darker than that

    hataki December 2, 2017 5:21 am

    as far as we have seen, we honestly don't know how the two of them got together. maybe the younger boy started it? who knows. we haven't seen it yet. i've read a hell of a lot with similar plot, so i hold back judgement on the old guy for now. he clearly has affection for the older one. They both clearly have some kind of sickness. and the master always goes over to make sure the guy is doing okay.
    We have yet to actually see or read of him doing anything bad to the kid.

    Viira December 2, 2017 10:43 pm
    as far as we have seen, we honestly don't know how the two of them got together. maybe the younger boy started it? who knows. we haven't seen it yet. i've read a hell of a lot with similar plot, so i hold back ... hataki

    It doesn't matter who started it. If a kid tries to have sex with you you decline....The fact we've seen him sexually involved with a minor at all already means he has done something bad to the kid.... If kids offer you sex, you don't have sex with them. Maybe every once in a while, like in very VERY VERY rare cases, an adult getting sexually involved with a child doesn't significantly affect the overall and long term health of the child...but consider this, NOT touching the child sexually means not risking hurting the child at all! :D wow what an option, to not fuck a kid even if they want to because it would be a risky and irresponsible thing to do as the adult in the situation...

    Anonymous December 6, 2017 7:17 am
    It doesn't matter who started it. If a kid tries to have sex with you you decline....The fact we've seen him sexually involved with a minor at all already means he has done something bad to the kid.... If kids ... Viira

    the fact that they made "maybe the younger boy started it" as argument is in itself disgusting.

    Viira December 6, 2017 11:43 pm
    the fact that they made "maybe the younger boy started it" as argument is in itself disgusting. @Anonymous


    hataki December 7, 2017 12:10 am

    i've just read too many incest yaoi. i hold my judgment on these two until we see more about them.

    mai December 7, 2017 12:46 am
    i've just read too many incest yaoi. i hold my judgment on these two until we see more about them. hataki

    But this isn’t even incest?? It’s pedophilia.

    AmaraSol December 13, 2017 5:45 am
    as far as we have seen, we honestly don't know how the two of them got together. maybe the younger boy started it? who knows. we haven't seen it yet. i've read a hell of a lot with similar plot, so i hold back ... hataki

    Your comments here are deeply disturbing. You might need to see a counselor or do some soul-searching, because there's no way that someone could invite another person to abuse them or do things to them that are against the law. Especially when you talking about child.

    As far as this manga goes (no pun intended) I'm not sure if you read the same manga I did, but the art clearly shows him having sex with Masato, who is certainly a middle school student ( in Japan that's between 12 + 14). Pretty sure that's illegal.

    It clearly says that he is adopting these boys so, we do know how he aquires them. This is a life long pederast who seeks out "beautiful boys". We can also tell that it's an open secret in the home among the servants. He told Masato in vivid detail why he adopted Kenta.

    We also see that when can Kenta arrives he's very healthy and as time goes by he develops this cough. The old man going to look in on the child is about his possessiveness for his property.

    hataki December 13, 2017 6:16 am

    dude, i just read a hell of a lot of yaoi, a lot of which have very fucking twisted characters. i'm just saying, the old guy is vanilla compared to the kid, and to half the guys i have read about. my acceptance when reading only, is very vast. (when i see that younger brother, i just imagine that twisted step brother who drove his brother to almost kill himself. even the mother blamed the victim for it. and the victim tried to poison and kill them both. some of you may know the one i'm talking about.)

    Misaki Usui January 18, 2018 3:47 am
    dude, i just read a hell of a lot of yaoi, a lot of which have very fucking twisted characters. i'm just saying, the old guy is vanilla compared to the kid, and to half the guys i have read about. my acceptance... hataki

    The fact that you’re implying that having read many yaoi manga gives you some sort of credibility is hilarious in and of itself. The adult who is and has been abusing the main character is nothing on the child who barely understands the concept of possession. It’s quite simple tbh