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What..the..fuck. Am i missing something? I feel like there was a HUGE gap of something mis...

Anon December 1, 2017 5:20 am

What..the..fuck. Am i missing something? I feel like there was a HUGE gap of something missing. The story was so badly put together that it made me think, WAIT.. is there a prequel to this?! Because i honestly had no idea what the fuck was going on. Breakfast club was an amazing manga by her and this was just a major disappointment in comparison. I feel like the rating could go down to shounen-ai, considering there was only one love scene which definitely wasn't explicit in the slightest. It was over within two pages.

    Rinsama_ March 21, 2020 5:03 pm

    I guess it's because the story revolves around gays and their love problems. They did leave out a lot of things in the beginning, but once you understood the storyline, the pace is just fine.. I guess this story lacks that explanatory narrative box.