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pennyinheaven December 5, 2017 2:22 am

The art is cute but I am really put off with how anatomically incorrect this is. For any Bottoms out there reading this, is there any pleasure from pressing upwards when in Nao's position, doggy style? Sorry I don't know how to properly describe it. The fingers should face downwards where the prostate is. The author or who ever illustrated this even had that scene in silhouette when it is completely inaccurate. It's frustrating.

    Greque December 5, 2017 5:47 am

    You are correct. It really makes no sense. I guess in yaoi, the tailbone is an important erogenous zone lol

    pepperspray December 5, 2017 6:19 am

    yeah, that happens in a lot of yaois, they don't seem to do any research in actual intercourse lol

    pennyinheaven December 5, 2017 10:51 am
    yeah, that happens in a lot of yaois, they don't seem to do any research in actual intercourse lol pepperspray

    I KNOW. But this in particular had the guts to show a silhouette of it. I'm like don't be proud of it.

    pennyinheaven December 5, 2017 11:05 am
    You are correct. It really makes no sense. I guess in yaoi, the tailbone is an important erogenous zone lol Greque

    It's the same for men and women but these authors! It's probably the classic fingering pose for the hand, sure if the person you're doing it to is lying face up. Perfect. But ass hanging? Nope. I only know pain from the tailbone, like when you slip and slam your butt on the floor hitting the tailbone. Being done to be like: "What are you poking down there?"

    Celdria December 5, 2017 1:23 pm

    Ikr? This is such a huge turn off for me, I mean the mangaka didn't even put effort in it to look up how two man have sex properly... Research is important if someone is making a story. It just gives a feeling that they know absolutely nothing about sex... but it's so easy to look up, it only would take a few clicks...

    Greque December 5, 2017 2:05 pm

    I can only laugh at this sort of thing. I can't say that it ruined it for me, because honestly I've never encountered this sort of thing in a manga which was good to begin with lol. The writing in this one left something to be desired. I vaguely appreciate that they shook up the exhausted yaoi power dynamics, but that's about it.

    Eva Mark 06 December 5, 2017 5:43 pm

    Sadly sometimes it's just for the aesthetic part, not to follow anatomy ( ̄∇ ̄")

    pennyinheaven December 5, 2017 10:30 pm
    I can only laugh at this sort of thing. I can't say that it ruined it for me, because honestly I've never encountered this sort of thing in a manga which was good to begin with lol. The writing in this one left... Greque

    There's A LOT. But you'll get used to it eventually, well that's how it was for me, since there's so much going on and the SFX cover pretty much most of the panels. But oh boy this one. "Let's show them an x-ray vision of how an ass is fingered. It's anatomically correct and hot. " I cringe. Most yaoi's don't do this, just in kairakutens/straight up hentai mangas. At least they just show dick penetration esp how that hits the prostate, but seldom do I encounter fingering.

    Celdria December 5, 2017 10:57 pm

    I feel like lot of the mangakas don't even know where the prostate is, and this resulted a lot of really funny situation in mangas xD

    Greque December 5, 2017 11:27 pm
    There's A LOT. But you'll get used to it eventually, well that's how it was for me, since there's so much going on and the SFX cover pretty much most of the panels. But oh boy this one. "Let's show them an x-ra... pennyinheaven

    lol I've been reading yaoi since I was a teenager(I'm 26). It's not that I haven't encountered it, it's that I only encounter it in crappy manga. I don't think I've run in to it much in any series I've really enjoyed much.

    pennyinheaven December 6, 2017 9:54 am
    lol I've been reading yaoi since I was a teenager(I'm 26). It's not that I haven't encountered it, it's that I only encounter it in crappy manga. I don't think I've run in to it much in any series I've really e... Greque

    I read randomly. When I see a well-drawn thumbnail, I click and read. Sometimes you find a gem and sometimes, well at least the art is good. My eyes didn't hurt. So I've read a lot that just are....well, made by authors and their respective editors who seem to not do well in biology/anatomy and physiology. Or don't watch porn/AV. Seriously, it's not that hard.