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Yaoi4Life December 6, 2017 5:12 am

Ok, so the seme was kinda want to monopolize the uke so he always spoiled him and do everything else for him so the uke think that he's "useless" then decided to just go home but then the seme was kinda like, "don't u like this" something like that. Then seme just told the uke why not just live with him and next day, uke's things is there in seme's house. I think seme is really nice in the outside but when one time, seme and uke was walking to the university, they meet the girls, found out that seme Cooks and ask him if they can also try his cooking but seme kinda snapped.

Sorry for this really poor English explanation but I really hope someone remember this. Been wanting to read this again for a while now
