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honestly i dunno what you guys expected

Typical_Otaku December 6, 2017 2:26 pm

if you say that this story was too boring, frustrating, or it didnt have much of an ending, then youre right. im not saying i didnt feel that way too, i was practically screaming at the main character the whole time she acted stupid.

but then i realized that this webtoon isnt about that, its not about the righteous new girl that stands up to the bullies, its not about the power of friendship. its just simple sociology.

coined in on the first couple chapters the teacher explained how people just want to have a sense of belonging, "if nobody is saying something you dont have to say something" "just follow what everybody else is doing". it was so bad to the point where they teacher doesnt know what to do.

the main character wasnt a typical shonen protag, she's just an average girl. and little by little she got sucked into yuri's kindness and soon did terrible things, became like everyone else. silent.

in the end, yuri changes schools and told jina that not going to change anything. jina knows she cant change the world but she can start by changing herself.
