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...personal tips to help with insomnia?

Heretic Zeke December 7, 2017 9:23 pm

...personal tips to help with insomnia?

    Anonymous December 7, 2017 9:26 pm

    Made myself busy and tired during the day,
    drank a lot of water like a fish,
    ate fruits and vegetables to attempt healthy lifestyle,
    sweat myself,
    if I couldn't sleep at night then I tried not sleeping the whole day until night comes

    so far it somehow works huhu

    ... December 7, 2017 9:28 pm

    Read a chapter book

    Eat things that are high in carbs and protein (like Dairy: milk, cheese, yogurt
    Soy: milk, tofu, soybeans
    Whole grains: breads, cereals
    Rice, oatmeal
    Seeds: sesame, sunflower, flax
    Nuts: hazelnuts, peanuts, walnuts
    Beans, lentils, chickpeas
    Protein: eggs, cold cuts, peanut butter
    Fish: salmon, halibut, tuna
    Calcium rich: kale
    Magnesium rich: almonds

    It takes about an hour for the tryptophan to reach your brain, so plan ahead and do not eat right before sleeping! Here’s some thing u can eat as a snack...

    Cereal and milk (whole grain and low in sugars)
    Whole grain peanut butter sandwich
    Oatmeal or oatmeal cookies with milk
    Whole grain tortilla chips with hummus
    Yogurt with nut toppings

    Things to avoid:Caffeine: coffee(of course), chocolate, cola, tea
    Junk foods or processed carbs
    Foods high in fat, oils or spices
    Alcohol, nicotine(if u smoke)

    ... December 7, 2017 9:30 pm
    Read a chapter bookEat things that are high in carbs and protein (like Dairy: milk, cheese, yogurtSoy: milk, tofu, soybeansWhole grains: breads, cerealsRice, oatmealSeeds: sesame, sunflower, flaxNuts: hazelnuts... @...

    Also do something that has your body do work....such as what said above (reading. Excerise, meditate)

    kazis December 7, 2017 9:30 pm

    First of all you should go for a walk every eveing before going to sleep. Then - strict regime. You should go in bed everyday in the same time and not too late. Calm music, relaxing aroma baths and so on... It could sound a bit stupid, but it really works.

    risea December 7, 2017 10:00 pm

    Set a routine and stick to it. If you don't have one already, it's gonna be hard but keep trying to get a routine down. Part of having a routine is sleeping at a regular time.

    Unplug from your phone, laptop, pc, tvs, gaming stations, etc. at least an hour before sleeping.

    Exercise - I've had trouble sleeping for years but I've always slept like a baby on days when I exercise. Exercise is not as bad as you think it will be. You might even think strength training is just for gym bros, but it's not. I like to strength train, bike, take walks, run on a treadmill, and do yoga/workout videos.

    Get your daily vitamin D. It doesn't take long, just 10 minutes a day in the sun without sunscreen. I don't have a source of this, learned it in nutrition class.

    Anon December 7, 2017 10:03 pm

    Look for ASMR videos in you tube. It's a great help!