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To people involved in scanlating & uploading!

Sam December 8, 2017 3:57 pm

I live in a very very remote place surrounded by mountains and ocean. It is a nice place for vacation but worst place to live in. Believe it or not we often have to use mobile data and our signal sucks. Every time I read that you guys need help I just want to shout saying, "Hey I'm here!" But I'm an idiot who haven't even mastered her first language and don't know anything useful to scanlating. I'm really greatful to you people who scanlate and upload them for useless people like me.
I dont know whose fault is this(As I was reading them is it my fault?), I was really mad with the lezhin disaster but now I'm thinking why the hell should I be mad when I didn't actually invest anything? I'm not mad anymore just extremely sad ╥﹏╥

Last but not least, stick to your hard work. If you're being nice be nice till the end
