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Looking for a few manga, sorry there are so many! ╥﹏╥

~RiceBall~ December 23, 2017 9:40 pm

1st: They find out they have mutual feelings but one of them is just given an arranged marriage. So they lock themselves in a room for a couple of days just to be together, but the one still gets married in the end. I know it ended with him leaving a good fortune for his friend the day of his wedding.

2nd: Boy sees two guys going at it in a storage room, only to find out it was set up so he could join them as a threesome. In the end one of them graduates and the other two look for a third guy to take his place.

3rd: Guy sees a ghost on the bridge and the ghost basically follows him home and starts living with him. The ghost isn't actually dead tho

4th: Boy is always bragging to his friends that he is already engaged to a girl since childhood, but when it's finally time for them to meet, his betrothed ends up being a boy.

5th: This last one isn't a specific manga, I was just wondering if there are any where one of them returns to his hometown only to have someone say that they were in love with them since before they left, or something like that ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
