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If you had to choose only one...

FUNNER December 29, 2017 1:35 am

Yuri, Yaoi, or Shounen Ai?


    FUNNER December 29, 2017 7:11 am
    HUmm....Yuri: I tried reading but can't.Shounen ai: Too much sexual tension. I mean it's like they're about to do it but they don't do it till the end. What a letdown. Well I still read them for plots.Yaoi: Sat... Sam

    Provocative-Pizza December 29, 2017 11:40 pm

    To be honest, I think I'm getting a little tired of yaoi. It's just usually focused on the sex (because it's yaoi) and that gets boring after a while. I want more Shounen Ai now. I want teeth rotting fluff. If any of you have sweet Shounen Ai to recommend (it can still be yaoi but it has to be fluffy and sweet), please reply.

    crimsoncrow December 30, 2017 1:35 am
