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Ugh I'm upset, there is a person I used to talk and I loved them so much but one day they ...

Heretic zeke December 31, 2017 1:07 am

Ugh I'm upset, there is a person I used to talk and I loved them so much but one day they sent a msg and I was busy so I didn't reply, later when I did, they didn't see my message. We used to talk daily but after that time, they never talked to me again and it showed that their phone is disconnected.. It made me worry because we love each other a lot so if they would have wanted to talk to me they would have have used another device, I had many dark thought like what if they died and shit. All what I hope is that they lost their phone. It was hard for me because I used to vent my daily problems to them, they were so close to my heart. I worried and I even cried and stayed up till 3 am, I always send a msg.. I didn't want to say all of that here in this yaoi site, actually I wanted to vent here so many times but I always thought it's unnecessary.. However, since it's almost.. 2018. I didn't want to leave that person behind.. Nothing is as beautiful as it was before,everything is bitter.. And I want to be happy and normal because there is no point being sad.
How do you make sure a person didn't die on internet? All what I know about that person is their height,name,date of birth, look and where they live.. I searched for them but I didn't find them.. Meh.. You don't have to say anything if you read this, I'm just venting,, it makes me feel better.

    miusaski December 31, 2017 1:54 am

    Did they not talk to you again, ever? If they really cared, they would find some means of communicating, you should just drop them and move on. I think the possibility of one of your internet friends dying is pretty low, even if you know a little of where they live. A lot of times on the internet, and it's pretty sad/ignorant, people can just drop a conversation with another person and never hit them up again. Ya know, since it's the internet and you don't have to meet in real life and have to address the matter. I say just get over that person. If you know where they live or some significant part of their identity you can look up any deaths in their area or under their name. People are pretty strong and wouldn't kill themselves or get hurt terribly after a breakup, or dropping someone, in the most common case. Sorry this is a long paragraph but I just want you to rest assured there is a very high possibility that nothing happened to them, they either got tired of you or didn't want to talk to you. Can you still view your past convo? If they haven't been saying much about themselves or just saying 1-3 word replies like "yeah" "lol" "right me too" "ahaha" then that shows they probably just dropped it.

    Damn this was long but yeah lol don't worry!! Everything will turn out fine as long as you believe in it.

    Heretic zeke December 31, 2017 2:21 am
    Did they not talk to you again, ever? If they really cared, they would find some means of communicating, you should just drop them and move on. I think the possibility of one of your internet friends dying is p... miusaski

    It's ok dear, I wish it was the case, we talked normally, they are with me in so many other groups, they only don't talk me only when they are depressed, but they immediately talk back to reassure me... We talked daily for more than 6 months, he actually used to always vent to me and we had alot in common.. The last message was " good afternoon, that group is cringy" I replied I will check, it showed it's sent but not seen, later it showed that their battery is dead,finally after 2 weeks it showed their phone is disconnected. I hope they are okay from all of my heart.. And I like to belied their phone is broken. I searched for their name, he actually live in Ontario Canada, so I searched for his name there but I didn't find anything. He has my number but I don't have his, we know how we both look like, our voices etc...
    I hope he is okay, and thank you for you concern and for giving me little hope..

    Fehlover December 31, 2017 2:58 am

    I'll have to be honest. I have this one special online friend whom I met back in 2009 on MangaFox (I hate that site now and it's just dead). We bonded through Pokemon and battling, and from the forums, it moved on to MSN messenger. We talked a lot about the things we liked. He was always sharing his favorite videos on Youtube, and we even tried watching one of my favorite Asian dramas at the time together. We would stop playing the video at certain parts and just talk shit about it. And of course, we talked about Pokemon a whole fuck ton. It got to the point that we shared each other's FB profiles. I learned of his name and he learned of mine. And we got to see what we both looked like. We moved on from messenger and just chatted on FB.

    But later on, the amount of time we spent talking to each other continued to dwindle down. I had started to find him just a tad bit annoying. I don't want to sound mean, but the way he acts (chats?) seemed childish. He would make up these anime-like scenarios and always talked about being a Pokemon master. He would do this every time we chat. But I didn't want to hurt him directly and tell him to stop because I was able to tolerate it most of the time. So, I started to reply later than usual. I always said, "Oh, I was busy" (although it is true in half of the cases). I also felt tired about chatting in general. I'm a private person, and I like spending maybe 80% of my time alone (that's why I have no social life except for the few times that I did go out with friends). Then it just continued, and I think he understood what was happening. I felt really bad, but at the same time, I couldn't be straightforward. I even made myself hidden from him on Facebook, so that he couldn't tell when I got online. Yeah, I know. This is not how friendships should be.

    Then, we just stopped talking completely. For a whole year. When this mobile game from one of my favorite games came out almost two years ago, I created a Skype chat for the people in my party to discuss the game. I hadn't used Skype in so long, and I know that Facebook and transfer contacts. So when I got online, he saw me and started chatting. We just caught up with each other. We talked about family, school, just life in general, and how drastic of a change a year made. It felt nicer to just...not see each for so long and then be able to talk a whole bunch.

    I don't want to make this any longer than necessary, but now we just grew a routine wherein I talk to him once every two weeks. Always on holidays though. But I wanted to give you my perspective on the matter. I want to be realistic with you. There are many reasons as to why someone might not want to contact another. My reason was mainly just space.

    miusaski January 1, 2018 2:11 am
    It's ok dear, I wish it was the case, we talked normally, they are with me in so many other groups, they only don't talk me only when they are depressed, but they immediately talk back to reassure me... We ta... Heretic zeke

    Yeah me too, anything for you :)

    Heretic zeke January 2, 2018 1:27 pm
    I'll have to be honest. I have this one special online friend whom I met back in 2009 on MangaFox (I hate that site now and it's just dead). We bonded through Pokemon and battling, and from the forums, it moved... Fehlover

    Thank you I learned a lot, I think after 3 weeks I'm starting to get used not to talk to him.