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I'm here because of Heejae. Many people hate him, but I'm not. I like his personality and ...

L2709 January 2, 2018 1:27 pm

I'm here because of Heejae. Many people hate him, but I'm not. I like his personality and the way he showed his love/interesting towars Jisuh - naive, idiot but cute.
At first, he used the fliming as a reason to get Jisuh stuck in his complex lifestyle and he achieved what he wants. Unfortunately, Sunyool is attracted to Jisuh and he want to move on him. Haha, it's so irony. I feel sorry for Heejae. This might be the first time he seriously falls in love. But it seems like Heejae chose the wrong way to get his love.

Is Heejae selfish? Yes, he really is. But he's not wrong. I know many people like threesome, me too. But we should think about it carefully. If you're in love with somebody, would you willingly share him/her with another person? I'm not. Neither does Heejae. I think when Sunyool has serious feeling with Jisuh, he will become selfish, too.

    Ching Chong January 3, 2018 6:00 am

    I'm ok with whichever pair ends up with whichever. But about the "If you're in love with somebody, would you willingly share him/her with another person", there's a thing called being Poly. I have friends who are poly and they have more than one partner (of course, with the consent of all of the people included)

    Aki January 4, 2018 6:09 pm
    I'm ok with whichever pair ends up with whichever. But about the "If you're in love with somebody, would you willingly share him/her with another person", there's a thing called being Poly. I have friends who a... Ching Chong

    I think the point is that Heejae isn't poly, at least from my point of view. According to his actions I would descreibe him as the possessive type when he's fallen for someone and because of that I can't imagine he will share Jisuh with Sunyool for longer than necessary