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Character growth

Mameiha January 15, 2018 12:06 pm

Character growth is often an important aspect of storytelling that gets forgotten in this genre. The tsundere remains tsundere, the weak, kittenish character never grows a spine, etc. This is fine for short serializations or one shots, but anything longer than two or three chapters gives this reader a feeling that even a happy ending can't be long lived if the protagonists never grow together. This story really highlights the need for character growth and is essentially the theme for this story. Two protagonists with horrible personalities in the initial chapters learn and grow together by the end. Though they do it separately, they share common goals both professionally and personally. This is essential in a relationship in reality. Thus, the feeling of "realism" outweighs the fantasy aspects of the story, making it feel like the reader is connected to the characters more than in a strictly fantasy type story. The reader could almost imagine this scenario happening in real life. I'm not usually a fan of too much realism in my escapist hobby, but when the realism is focused on a positive aspect of a relationship rather than a negative one, I can say I really enjoyed it.
