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yuuii March 8, 2018 12:22 am

whyyyy so fucking it's end up like this why it's not ahappy end u fucking fuck .?, i feel so fucking hurt seeing them like this i feel like shitt why the author doing this it's like torture I FUCKING HATE IT THEY BOTH LOVE EACH OTHER SOO FUCK WHY

    Purupuru March 8, 2018 2:24 pm

    Why what happened?

    mishi March 9, 2018 2:03 am

    SPOILER (maybe)
    It seems like things are looking up for E & J in the latest raw chapter (the Answer 3). All of the Answer chapters, so far, seem to have J working hard (and calmly) to win E back. I'm betting on a happy ending with E & J together, in love, and most importantly happy. If it doesn't happen that way I'm asking for my money back from Lezhin :P

    Anonymous March 9, 2018 2:18 pm
    SPOILER (maybe).......It seems like things are looking up for E & J in the latest raw chapter (the Answer 3). All of the Answer chapters, so far, seem to have J working hard (and calmly) to win E back. I'm ... mishi


    In the last chapter E mum ask J to sleep in there house and he was sleeping on E bed. E had his back to J . Then j said something , E went on top of him and at last J pulled him self to kiss him .the chapter end both kissing each other at last J accepted his love for E . I hope