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jo12kspj March 10, 2018 5:06 pm

13 was an unlucky number... unnecessary drama.
he had the dragons to not only break it (as a comment below said) but also to indicate how to break it even if they can't (for whatever reason it may be, since if they could her dragon guardian would have done it already). he also traveled around the world and never got to ask shit about it? after a few years it is still there? i thought it would be already gone by this time...
also, parting ways with the hero... how safe, how easy is life right? every time she needs him, he will be there so sure... lol. if it is any kind of realistic, she would die soon enough, her path is not easy, how can a spoiled hero survive?

interesting enough this is the first guild ever to consider guardians as a thing that exist... but isn't the world kind of barbaric? teenagers are considered kids? when they probably already lost their family and needs to feed by themselves? idk exactly how i feel about this... it kind doesn't fit the trope.

the old guys don't know who they are messing with, lol... the girl mage doesn't even matter much, only the villager can crush them like thin twigs. :P
