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It´s makes me so angry and sick

agave March 23, 2018 5:10 pm

that countless millions of girls and women are treated like Sita.. they are considered as "impure" when having their period, can´t go to school for a whole week, because f.e.: on their period they are not allowed to cross a "holy" bridge, they can´t touch food, they are shamed for something as clean and natural as period.
Period is an act of cleaning, an act of life and being reborn, it´s the embodiment of nature. No girl and no woman should ever be made to feel ashamed for period, it´s the reason every single one of us exists.

    avocadofortae December 23, 2020 11:04 am

    as a Nepalese sadly i had no idea about kumaris until last year, there’s many rebuttals to your claims as well, but superstitions against woman being impure during period is indeed true, and it’s followed in almost every hindu household ( not related to religion ) including mines i lie lol we’re not allowed to go to praying, and we can’t touch stuff in kitchen it maybe be way worse in the countries, i heard they’re usually exiled and forced to live in horrible sheds alone ://