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Great story, can't wait for more

Vampire Queen April 20, 2018 5:26 am

Beautiful yet deep story. The mom is a b*tch and it's great that Shiichi called her on it, and that he was finally able to know love. Yoshou is such a precious sweetheart, I hope Shiichi adopts him and they live happily. He deserves so much more. A bit confused on the ending and I hope the next chapter clears things up.

    JustBeingMyself April 20, 2018 7:12 am

    Can see, can't see. He means that even if he can see or can't see he won't ever get what he wanted the most from the start: The love of his mother. At least that was what I interpret that remark.
    And yeah he can see he was running w/o his walking stick at the last panel. I don't think blind people would run carelessly.

    JustBeingMyself April 20, 2018 7:14 am

    Oops sorry wrong post, was meant for the 1 below you

    Yonathanel April 20, 2018 9:55 pm

    I don’t know about her other works but this one actually seemed really shallow... What was the reason the seme fell in love with uke? Because he was so pitiful? Because he was blind? Because he had sad past? Because he was mature? Same goes with uke. How come he fell in love with the seme? This doesn’t feel right. That was way to quick. The “most important person” felt so incredibly shallow. It came waaaay to quick for them and there was no real reason for their love. Furthermore the uke was so naive and didn’t know anything about H stuff and the seme did it with him just like that. As if this boys innocent meant nothing.

    The idea was nice but the pace made it all unnatural and shallow.

    Vampire Queen April 21, 2018 6:31 am
    I don’t know about her other works but this one actually seemed really shallow... What was the reason the seme fell in love with uke? Because he was so pitiful? Because he was blind? Because he had sad past? ... Yonathanel

    Well, you don't need a reason to fall for someone, you just love them. This is not some cliche shoujo manga, yaoi manga often show more realistic cases of love. There are more chapters to this, it's not a compleated manga so there may be more to things.

    And as to the why of them falling in love;

    both the seme and uke never really knew love (romantic) and both found in each other the love that they never knew. The seme had only flings with females they never really interested him in loving them the uke captivated him because he was so different from all the others, and after spending time with him he got to really fall in love with everything about the uke. It is not pitty why he fell for the uke.

    The uke was searching for love, someone to genuinely love and care about him, he falls for the seme because the seme gives him the love he never had and genuinely showers him with love, care and affection. He was searching for his mother's love but family love is not the love he has for the seme.