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imo the memory lost was shitty for ren but its also shitty for haru too. yet some ppl seem...

Anonymous May 7, 2018 5:04 pm

imo the memory lost was shitty for ren but its also shitty for haru too. yet some ppl seem to want ren to get 'revenge' (as if haru's having fun hurting ren) or want haru to feel guilty and feel even worse than he already does. in haru's mind his mindset is 17 and his parents just died, while his brothers had moved on without him. give him a break.
he's a person too, hes an adult but hes not invincible. haru's more expressive than ren but it doesn't mean that when he doesnt cry he doesnt feel sad. i think he even tends to repress negative emotions except when hes really angry, and ren is the person who notices the most when haru is upset, lonely, etc. thats why ren's very patient even with haru losing his memories and acting mean.
im sure ren will forgive him, and thats for the best. relationship isn't about keeping score (e.g. u hurt me so im allowed to hurt u back, or u hurt me so u should make it up) sure it'll be great if haru makes it up to ren, but it shouldnt just be because ren wants him to, but because haru himself wants to do so. if u get what i mean.
*end rant*
