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Ugh... Such mixed signals...

youraedthiswrogn May 12, 2018 5:09 pm

So... From what i understand, that "wet dream" was real? It seemed like Sungmoo admitted to it shortly after in the bathroom when he was talking with Haeyoon. He said something along the lines of "you were just all over me when i touched you". if so, why the hell is he being so distant now? And he's sleeping with some chick? I kinda think that maybe it's one of those "i wont actually have sex with him till he is an adult" type things, which would be admirable i guess, if he hadn't molested him in his sleep... HE turned their relationship sexual and is now not letting Haeyoon touch him and wasn't good enough in hiding that woman so now Haeyoon knows about her. Rather than explain when Haeyoon confronted him about her he just lied and said he didn't sleep with her. Maybe he is sleeping with her so he wont touch Haeyoon before he gets older? Idk. I feel sorry for Woojie though, it looks like Haeyoon plans to use him to make Sungmoo jealous, i bet he plans for Sungmoo to walk in. Or maybe Sungmoo walks in on accident, but Haeyoon had been planning to tell Sungmoo after the deed was done all along? He is still only thinking about Sungmoo despite spending so much time with Woojie lately, so i don't see him wanting to have sex with Woojie BECAUSE it's Woojie, i can only imagine its so he can go up to Sungmoo and tell him "hey, i had sex with this guy" to get a reaction out of him since he's been acting so distant. Part of me wants him to fall for Woojie, Woojie really seems to love him and that tsun character is really cute. I love how he tries to look cool for Haeyoon and instead of just talking he's all aggressive at first. You could tell he was just embarrassed. Really cute. Especially when he told Haeyoon to give him his hand. When he chickened out after proposing sex too, that was so cute/funny. "Hey, have you ever done it before? Se-SEX! You wanna try it with me? ... I'm just kidding. Kidding". LOL. You can very clearly see that now that he's become comfortable enough to talk with Haeyoon regularly that he's actually "courting" him in his own way. He talks about how strong he is to look cool, gives him motorcycle rides, gives him kisses and gets him alone to just talk about stuff. He's very direct in how he feels too, he says "there is something about you that drives people wild" while blushing. It's very realistic, you can see the youthful awkwardness of a virgin trying to court his crush. Right now i like Woojie WAY more than Sungmoo, but when i take a breath and put my irritation with him aside, i see that the story portrays him in a bad light on purpose, i fell for it too. Think about it? What has Sungmoo really done(talking specifically about post-"wet dream", when they're in a relationship. I'm speaking about what he's doing wrong as a lover)? He's just refusing to have sex with a minor. It's because Haeyoon is so upset about it that its so easy to get irritated at Sungmoo on his behalf. He is really making Haeyoon very insecure. That paired with Haeyoon's angst over his brother makes him super negative. But as i mentioned above, HE(Sungmoo) seems to be the one that took their relationship to a sexual level, i don't think it's that he doesn't want Haeyoon, it seems like it might be the age. The woman might just be there to curb his desires till Haeyoon comes of age. If he was just playing with Haeyoon he wouldn't be refusing offered penetration and not letting Haeyoon at least get him off. I think he had meant to hold off entirely, but i guess gave in when he saw Haeyoon sleeping? Now their relationship is sexual, but he feels guilty and doesn't want it to be till later? The compromise is that he gets Haeyoon off when he's horny since he feels he needs to take responsibility for the slip up that resulted in the next step being taken? Maybe one day we'll see... ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
