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i dont now why theres so much negative feed back

JenJenLovesYaoi May 14, 2018 3:17 pm

I really liked this story,i felt it unique,an sweet,and i like the coupe,and Riku ,and i would read more.

    nakmak May 14, 2018 5:09 pm

    i dont know why theres so many people who dont understand 'opinion" for every one person is different. u hav to understand u are not the center of opinions. just because u like it so much does not mean everyone else hav to like it too. be more open mind pls. this kind of 'why do people dislike it when *i really like it' thinking process is very one side and rude. *u like it. but dont push ur enjoyment on people who did not enjoy it.ok? sorry if i sound rude. i just see many people dont understand the concept of opinion.

    nakmak May 15, 2018 12:32 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Nobody in Particular

    pls reads the title of the post. why do op not understand the negative feedback? then op not understand different opnion.

    nakmak May 15, 2018 12:34 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Nobody in Particular

    yes thank you for understand me. i was trying to explain why there is the different feedback. it is because everyone person hav different opinon.

    not_alyssa May 15, 2018 2:18 am
    i dont know why theres so many people who dont understand 'opinion" for every one person is different. u hav to understand u are not the center of opinions. just because u like it so much does not mean everyone... @nakmak

    Whether or not you were trying to be rude, it WAS. All the OP did was state that she enjoyed it. Those kinds of comments can encourage other people to read it. So many people give negative feedback when it's not necessary. Example: Someone gives 1 star to killing stalking because it disturbs them. But it's SUPPOSED TO BE disturbing so therefore it's well-written. Just bc people don't like a certain genre or other things doesn't mean it deserves negative feedback. But people see the bad feedback and skip over the story UNLESS there's someone like the OP who expresses how much they liked it and why. Of course you wouldn't understand negative feedback if you liked something bc YOU like it. She didn't say that people have to like it, just that she thinks it deserves more credit. PHEW. Rant over.

    Mikki May 15, 2018 2:42 am
    i dont know why theres so many people who dont understand 'opinion" for every one person is different. u hav to understand u are not the center of opinions. just because u like it so much does not mean everyone... @nakmak

    I think you're taking their comment to seriously. They aren't pushing anything on anyone and like you said, people have opinions. Well, that's their opinion. Out of all comments on this website, I think this comment would be the least of your worrying.

    nakmak May 15, 2018 2:48 am
    Whether or not you were trying to be rude, it WAS. All the OP did was state that she enjoyed it. Those kinds of comments can encourage other people to read it. So many people give negative feedback when it's no... not_alyssa

    Op said she dont understand why people give 'negative' feedback. i only say it because of different opinion. are you saying that is not true? why do you talk about something else?

    nakmak May 15, 2018 2:49 am
    I think you're taking their comment to seriously. They aren't pushing anything on anyone and like you said, people have opinions. Well, that's their opinion. Out of all comments on this website, I think this co... Mikki

    no i explain that it is different opinion that is why there is 'negative' feedback. op say she dont understand. i was explaining.

    not_alyssa May 15, 2018 3:14 am
    Op said she dont understand why people give 'negative' feedback. i only say it because of different opinion. are you saying that is not true? why do you talk about something else? @nakmak

    Well the OP knows that there are other opinions. She's not disregarding them or invalidating them. She was simply expressing her enjoyment of the story.

    nakmak May 15, 2018 3:18 am
    Well the OP knows that there are other opinions. She's not disregarding them or invalidating them. She was simply expressing her enjoyment of the story. not_alyssa

    pls read the title. she say she don't know why there is the 'negative' feedback so much. i say why she dont understand it has to do with different opinion. i am sorry for the 'pushing' part because it like you say , op is not pushing. i refer to other people who are worse than op. i am sorry for that part. but everything else i say is to explain to op there is 'negative' feedback because people hav different opinon from op.

    nilsuki May 15, 2018 3:39 am
    i dont know why theres so many people who dont understand 'opinion" for every one person is different. u hav to understand u are not the center of opinions. just because u like it so much does not mean everyone... @nakmak

    Wow you sound like me whenever my favorite editors edit a ship/girl I hate and shove it in my face,but wow we should definitely calm down

    nakmak May 15, 2018 3:45 am
    Wow you sound like me whenever my favorite editors edit a ship/girl I hate and shove it in my face,but wow we should definitely calm down nilsuki

    i only explain. why you people become outrageous? i apologize for saying 'pushing' but everything else i say is to explain. but you react like like this? it is sad.

    nilsuki May 15, 2018 4:55 am
    i only explain. why you people become outrageous? i apologize for saying 'pushing' but everything else i say is to explain. but you react like like this? it is sad. @nakmak

    Dude, if what you did was okay, then out of this many people at least one person would side with you but welp, you just randomly went and said "STOP PUSHING UR OPINIOJ ON ME" well you're doing the same ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    nakmak May 15, 2018 5:37 am
    Dude, if what you did was okay, then out of this many people at least one person would side with you but welp, you just randomly went and said "STOP PUSHING UR OPINIOJ ON ME" well you're doing the same ╮( ̄... nilsuki

    i say i apologize for that. i mean for other people who are worse than op who think like op. you keep bringing that up even though i already know my mistake. i was trying to explain to op why people will give 'negative' feedback because op say she don't know why. the 'pushing' part is refer to other people who don't know that opinion of everyone is different. i will repeat. why op not understand there are 'negative' feedback because of different opinion? that is all i wanted to convey and you guys twist everything around because you don't like having 'negative' opinion on a manga you like very much. it is so sad. now i really sound like i am complaining but that is because of people like you guys. i really do apologize for saying 'pushing'. op was not 'pushing'. i refer to other people i have saw. maybe if i repeat a third time it will get through to you. i was only trying to explain why there is 'negative' feedback. the reason is different opinion. op didn't seems she understand that so i was trying to explain it. pls stop twisting my points around to make me seem rude when i hav say this whole time my purpose and my point.

    JenJenLovesYaoi May 15, 2018 7:09 am

    Wow hold up hold up here,there is no need to argue over this.I did say i didnt understand why there was so much negative feed back,but under no circumstance did i down people ,or say their opinions didnt matter,i do think everyone is open to feel what they like about any manga.Since the first response was so hot fired ready to blast anyone who questioned anything about anyone,i can say this,i do not appreciate you dousing your negativity under my may have a right to an opinion but if you havent anything positive to say,you ever heard that saying,if you have nothing nice to say then dont say it at all,yea,cause you there puttin things in my mouth,cause i did not say others werent allowed to dislike this,ok end of discussion

    nakmak May 15, 2018 7:15 am
    Wow hold up hold up here,there is no need to argue over this.I did say i didnt understand why there was so much negative feed back,but under no circumstance did i down people ,or say their opinions didnt matter... JenJenLovesYaoi

    i am sorry. i may have say some things not polite in my very first comment. i now reread and think i can delete many of the unecessary things. again i am so sorry. but truly i only want to explain to you why there are 'negative' feedback. and it is because of different opinion. that is my main goal to explain to you that much only. but I hav say many unecessary things in the heat of the moment i apologize sincerely.