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Everyone REALLY needs to take a close look at ch 4's end...

youraedthiswrogn May 18, 2018 1:31 am

You're all going on the assumption that it was rape based on how the scene in ch 3 LOOKS and what YOU THINK Oono was feeling in that scene, Oono tells us himself how he felt though at the end of ch 4. You guys are speculating about something that is already confirmed. At the end of ch 4 Oono says "Theres no way for us to go back to how we used to be and i cannot forgive him(a bit of the denial he's about to mention)-- And yet, what i truly want to happen-- This odd feeling (love), prickling me. It's... NOT TRUE (more denial)! Just now, what was i thinking?! How unfair, i should be the only one (he says this while watching Kureshima touch his new girlfriend, he's saying it's unfair that Kureshima fucked him and is touching someone else and that he should be the only one Kureshima touches). I didn't realize. It can't be true. I pretended not to know (literally saying here he went into denial). I intended to blame him, but deep down i've always had delusions about him (literally saying here that he intended to blame Kureshima for the sex out of said denial). I didn't want to just watch. I yearned to be touched again (just said he's "always" had delusions about Kureshima and that he "yearned" to be touched again, he wanted Kureshima to touch him) . I was afraid that he'll see through me. Reality feels much better than delusions (literally admitting that he wasn't being completely honest at the beginning of the chapter, that despite the pain the sex felt even better than he'd even imagined it would. "much" better)". To say it's rape at this point you have to literally argue with Oono himself, quit projecting what you guys THINK he was feeling on him, his feelings aren't up for speculation. What Oono is upset about the entire chapter isn't the sex, it's that he doesn't know how Kureshima feels about him, he kicked Kureshima off because "he doesn't understand Kureshima, it scares him", THAT'S what the "he scares me" line meant. Kureshima "scares him" because he doesn't know his intentions, he wants to know his feelings because he's not sure if he's being played with. When Kureshima comes to class talking to Oono normally like nothing happened it pisses Oono off and he literally YELLS at Kureshima "so you were just messing with me!" because to Oono this makes it look like he'd just been being played with after all. Then Kureshima gets a girlfriend and it pushes Oono over the edge and forces him to face his denial, that he'd just been unfairly pretending that Kureshima was at fault for the sex. After the sex he went into denial and "intended to blame him", like he says. Oono KNOWS that there was no way Kureshima would've known he was in pain, he was being done from behind, Kureshima couldn't see his face. He's admitting that here, at the beginning of the chapter, he was unfairly blaming Kureshima for what happened even though he "wanted to be touched" and "pretended not to know (he was already in love)". Him blaming Kureshima was an act of denial, he says so, what he's really upset about is how Kureshima feels about him.

    Lavender-Rose May 18, 2018 1:30 am

    Maybe it’s a romanticized depiction of rape where everything is justified because the victim was totally in love with the victim. It’s not that fucking deep. It’s a shitty plot device that’s used in countless Yaoi.
    And man you sure know a lot about a fictional character to be able to pick out the exact meaning and sentiment behind one sentence. It seems to me like you’re the one who’s reading much deeper into this than you’re supposed to.
    Chill down. It’s not that deep. It’s the classic “Seme rapes Uke but Uke realizes afterwards that he has feelings for Seme so it’s okay” plot line

    Lavender-Rose May 18, 2018 1:33 am
    Maybe it’s a romanticized depiction of rape where everything is justified because the victim was totally in love with the victim. It’s not that fucking deep. It’s a shitty plot device that’s used in cou... Lavender-Rose

    *victim was totally in love with the rapist

    youraedthiswrogn May 18, 2018 1:40 am
    Maybe it’s a romanticized depiction of rape where everything is justified because the victim was totally in love with the victim. It’s not that fucking deep. It’s a shitty plot device that’s used in cou... Lavender-Rose

    It's not that i'm "reading into" anything, read the chapter yourself and see that the meaning was obvious. You replied like SECONDS after i posted, i can tell that you're SO set on your opinion that you'd rather instantly argue rather than go check to verify that what i'm saying isn't true.

    youraedthiswrogn May 18, 2018 1:43 am
    *victim was totally in love with the rapist Lavender-Rose

    Did you even read what i said here? If not, leave. I have no time for people who refuse to at least check through the facts and discern the reality of things themselves. You're so stuck on ch 3's scene that you're literally arguing with the guy involved in the actual scene's dialogue.

    Lavender-Rose May 18, 2018 1:44 am
    It's not that i'm "reading into" anything, read the chapter yourself and see that the meaning was obvious. You replied like SECONDS after i posted, i can tell that you're SO set on your opinion that you'd rathe... youraedthiswrogn

    I just reread it. It’s sloppily written to justify the seme’s actions and yeah at the end the Uke dies say he “secretly wanted it all along” but he sure as Hell did not act like it.
    If someone you were having sex with was crying and not looking like they were enjoying it you would stop. It doesn’t matter if he secretly enjoyed it. The Seme isn’t a mind reader and until this chapter the Uke showed no signs of “desperately wanting the Seme”

    Lavender-Rose May 18, 2018 1:46 am
    Did you even read what i said here? If not, leave. I have no time for people who refuse to at least check through the facts and discern the reality of things themselves. You're so stuck on ch 3's scene that you... youraedthiswrogn

    Also who’s set in their opinions? You refuse to even consider what other people say and are so set on your opinions being fact that you take a condescending tone with whoever responds to you as if they didn’t read the exact same story you did.

    youraedthiswrogn May 18, 2018 1:48 am
    I just reread it. It’s sloppily written to justify the seme’s actions and yeah at the end the Uke dies say he “secretly wanted it all along” but he sure as Hell did not act like it.If someone you were h... Lavender-Rose

    "crying", he had tears in his eyes and was blushing... This after saying that he "is starting to feel like last time (horny)"... You'll see whatever you want to though. Not that it matters because, again, that's just you projecting what you think he was feeling when he said how he was feeling himself. As far as it being "poorly written", no it wasn't, you probably ONLY read the end so you're detached from the context. Read the CHAPTER with what i said in this comment in mind, things'll click.

    youraedthiswrogn May 18, 2018 1:50 am
    I just reread it. It’s sloppily written to justify the seme’s actions and yeah at the end the Uke dies say he “secretly wanted it all along” but he sure as Hell did not act like it.If someone you were h... Lavender-Rose

    He was fucking him from behind. Before the penetration he just looked horny, like he literally says he is. You're seriously reaching saying he was "crying".

    Lavender-Rose May 18, 2018 1:51 am
    "crying", he had tears in his eyes and was blushing... This after saying that he "is starting to feel like last time (horny)"... You'll see whatever you want to though. Not that it matters because, again, that'... youraedthiswrogn

    I read the entire story multiple times. Also people get turned on during rape. It happens.
    And yes this story is badly written. The Seme and Uke are going to end up together despite the Seme being an urepentent asshole and it’s all gonna be handwaved and justified because of how in “love” he was.
    I’m not responding anymore. Clearly you’re a person who only sees what they want to see.

    youraedthiswrogn May 18, 2018 1:54 am
    I read the entire story multiple times. Also people get turned on during rape. It happens.And yes this story is badly written. The Seme and Uke are going to end up together despite the Seme being an urepentent ... Lavender-Rose

    -ignores dialogue, even argues with the dialogue saying that he was "intending to blame Kureshima"- "you only see what you want to see". Lol. I suppose Oono, the guy himself, saying he was in denial and intentionally blaming Kureshima can be interpreted another way?

    Lavender-Rose May 18, 2018 1:58 am
    -ignores dialogue, even argues with the dialogue saying that he was "intending to blame Kureshima"- "you only see what you want to see". Lol. I suppose Oono, the guy himself, saying he was in denial and intenti... youraedthiswrogn

    I will reply one more time. Regardless of the Uke’s thoughts on the matter after the fact [which are a shitty excuse for the two to end up together]. The Seme has no way of knowing this and even if he “couldn’t see his face” he could tell that something was off. The entire seem involved no communication and was overly forceful.
    The way you try and justify a shitty Yaoi trope is disgusting.

    youraedthiswrogn May 18, 2018 2:05 am
    I will reply one more time. Regardless of the Uke’s thoughts on the matter after the fact [which are a shitty excuse for the two to end up together]. The Seme has no way of knowing this and even if he “coul... Lavender-Rose

    Lol, it's not "after the fact" he's talking about how he's been feeling all along, including during the sex... But i guess you'll do whatever you can to think of this as rape. "he could tell something was off", how exactly? There is more evidence pointing to the contrary, Kureshima is smiling while he fucks Oono if you look at the beginning of ch 4, Kureshima comes in acting normal till he sees Oono is upset which was a major point of interest in ch 4 that i guess you missed (?) and when Oono blows up asking why he did it he says "you know why"... The clear implication is he had sex with him out of love and Oono knows that, hence on saying "i pretended not to know" at the end of ch 4. There is overwhelming evidence against what you're saying.

    Lavender-Rose May 18, 2018 2:07 am
    Lol, it's not "after the fact" he's talking about how he's been feeling all along, including during the sex... But i guess you'll do whatever you can to think of this as rape. "he could tell something was off",... youraedthiswrogn

    You’re wrong but okay. If this is the hill you want to die in then you do you

    youraedthiswrogn May 18, 2018 2:07 am
    Lol, it's not "after the fact" he's talking about how he's been feeling all along, including during the sex... But i guess you'll do whatever you can to think of this as rape. "he could tell something was off",... youraedthiswrogn

    Hence Oono*

    youraedthiswrogn May 18, 2018 2:10 am
    You’re wrong but okay. If this is the hill you want to die in then you do you Lavender-Rose

    Lol, if you have a counter argument with actual text implying that it was rape feel free. The dialogue at the end of ch 4 counters the text at the beginning saying "he didn't stop no matter how much it hurt" when he says he was in denial and intended to blame Kureshima. Is there more text i'm missing that isn't covered? Feel free and point it out. I'll wait.

    Lavender-Rose May 18, 2018 2:12 am
    Lol, if you have a counter argument with actual text implying that it was rape feel free. The dialogue at the end of ch 4 counters the text at the beginning saying "he didn't stop no matter how much it hurt" wh... youraedthiswrogn

    The text alone isn’t the only evidence. It’s a visual media my guy. Maybe the fact that he kicks the Seme away? Oh but I guess that destiny count cause he didn’t do it right away and that means it’s not rape for some reason.
    My dude it’s only you and like five other people who think this wasn’t rape.

    Reylla May 18, 2018 2:27 am

    Sorry but hmmm to me it's pretty clear what Oono was feeling in this scene, despite whatever he might have said later on

    We can speculate how certain things happened and how certain characters felt if we are not watching a scene happen in front of our eyes, and instead are simply "told" by one of the parts about the events afterwards. This doesn't happen here. Oono is crying and screaming NO repeatedly. He is afraid and confused during and after the act. You can literally see it in the panels, we don't have to project anything. Oono contradicting himself by the end of ch4 is actually just the seme's plan working: giving Oono a place to belong to ("it's lonely being alone"), and then taking that place away when Oono doesn't respond to him in the way he wants. Oono isn't "in love" with the seme; he is lonely, traumatized, and guilty - something we can SEE in the panels, even if Oono himself convinced himself he actually "wanted" an act during which he cried all the time.

    youraedthiswrogn May 18, 2018 2:38 am
    Sorry but hmmm to me it's pretty clear what Oono was feeling in this scene, despite whatever he might have said later on can speculat... Reylla

    He's not "crying and screaming no", he says himself that Kureshima is making him horny when Kureshima starts dirty talking to him in ch 3, "it's starting to feel like last time". A A character going from "i feel horny" to showing his blushing face with tears in his eyes is "crying" to you? He never screams either, that's an SFX, not dialogue and the text in it doesn't translate to "noooo!", the translator's at fault for the misinterpretation there. That was clearly a horny face, you're delusional if you seriously think that he looked like he wanted to get away. The only page where i could see it even remotely looking "off" is on pg 29 and 30, but in these pages he's thinking deeply so of course his expression changed. Anyways, again, it doesn't matter HOW IT LOOKED like Oono was feeling when he TELLS us how he was feeling. He explicitly says "i yearned to be touched again". He's saying he wanted the sex. He even goes on to say "reality is much better than delusion", after saying he was in denial and "intended to blame Kureshima". He's talking about how he felt DURING AND after. It's not "after the fact".

    youraedthiswrogn May 18, 2018 2:48 am
    The text alone isn’t the only evidence. It’s a visual media my guy. Maybe the fact that he kicks the Seme away? Oh but I guess that destiny count cause he didn’t do it right away and that means it’s not... Lavender-Rose

    It was JUST a visual interpretation till ch 4, but now we have dialogue FROM Oono telling us explicitly "i yearned to be touched again" and "i pretended not to notice and intended to blame Kureshima". He's literally saying he wanted it. As in, it was consensual. He kicked Kureshima away because he wasn't sure what his intentions were. I've already addressed this. Multiple lines of dialogue explicitly show this. Look at Oono's inner monologue when Kureshima tells him to masturbate in ch 3. As well as "i don't understand Kureshima, he scares me", look at ch 4 when Kureshima comes to class and talks to him, he gets mad because he thinks Kureshima acting like nothing happened means he was being played with after all before yelling "so you were messing with me!". Doesn't matter how it LOOKED when Oono is telling us the reality. Not sure what your point is about people agreeing/disagreeing with me. It has no bearing on either argument.

    Weirrdoz May 18, 2018 6:58 am
    It was JUST a visual interpretation till ch 4, but now we have dialogue FROM Oono telling us explicitly "i yearned to be touched again" and "i pretended not to notice and intended to blame Kureshima". He's lite... youraedthiswrogn

    It's literally because people like you that we have the #metoo movement. And y'all seriously arguing over a yaoi manga, a freaking YAOI manga; a genre that makes money off the raping of the uke till he becomes a Stockholm syndrome victim. But yeah, he TOTALLY (clearly sarcasm) was soooo horny to the point he kicked his attacker, man if that doesn't scream love I don't know what does lol