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jaejin's liked woojin for 2 years but hasn't confessed or said anything so he legit has no...

val June 1, 2018 12:47 pm

jaejin's liked woojin for 2 years but hasn't confessed or said anything so he legit has no right to complain or tell soohyun to basically fuck off he's literally minding his own business soohyun isn't in the way jaejin isn't dating woojin they're just friends

    janvier June 1, 2018 12:51 pm

    he is the worst type honestly

    youraedthiswrogn June 1, 2018 12:57 pm
    he is the worst type honestly janvier

    Why? He's only mad specifically at blondie, and that's just because he suddenly appeared to take his crush away. True, him acting like that is a little petty, but he's in love and sees someone touching/interacting romantically with the one he loves. It's literally just jealousy.

    Kenna-desu June 1, 2018 1:00 pm
    he is the worst type honestly janvier

    But he's hot.. Hahahha

    youraedthiswrogn June 1, 2018 1:05 pm

    Who cares if he confessed or not? It doesn't change the fact that he's loved him for 2 years... Put yourself in his shoes, you'd be okay if some person came in seemingly out of nowhere, threw a wrench in your everyday life (it used to just be him and the team captain, they spent a lot of time together till blondie came and started the morning jogs and was givin his position) and then you started to notice that your crush isn't necessarily responding to the changes in a bad way? Where is the logic in that anyways? "he didn't confess so he has no right to be upset"? What? If you want to say he has no right to get physical, fine, but of course he's going to get upset and the reality is that a lot of people ARE willing to physically fight for the one they love.

    Sei June 1, 2018 1:53 pm
    Who cares if he confessed or not? It doesn't change the fact that he's loved him for 2 years... Put yourself in his shoes, you'd be okay if some person came in seemingly out of nowhere, threw a wrench in your e... youraedthiswrogn

    He has no right to be like this as he hasn't confessed to Woojin, and Woojin hasn't said that he likes him. This is like being a cowardly stalker, cockblocking Woojin behind his back. You can say that this is somewhat passion, but really it is being ignorant and cowardly, protecting his own feelings while blocking anyone else who might want to genuinely make Woojin happy from approaching him. June 1, 2018 3:15 pm
    Who cares if he confessed or not? It doesn't change the fact that he's loved him for 2 years... Put yourself in his shoes, you'd be okay if some person came in seemingly out of nowhere, threw a wrench in your e... youraedthiswrogn

    Regardless of feeling empathetic for the dude, he has no right to be an asshole and super possessive over his friend. It’s not healthy even if you’re in a relationship, it’s possessive aggressive abusive behavior that’s unacceptable.

    janvier June 1, 2018 5:16 pm
    But he's hot.. Hahahha Kenna-desu

    yeeee horrible bad oys r always hot (▰˘◡˘▰)

    youraedthiswrogn June 1, 2018 5:41 pm
    He has no right to be like this as he hasn't confessed to Woojin, and Woojin hasn't said that he likes him. This is like being a cowardly stalker, cockblocking Woojin behind his back. You can say that this is s... @Sei

    Yeah, i can agree that he shouldn't have gotten physical, but that isn't what i'm protesting. I just said that to make that clear. "if you want to say he has no right to be physical, fine."-me. The OP said he "hasn't confessed so he has no right to be upset", i'm saying confessing has nothing to do with his right to be upset or even to be obvious about it, him getting physical is the only line he's crossed, you can't expect someone to get along with an like their rival in romance... I also pointed out that, while it's a bit childish, men fight each other over their love interests even irl, it's naive to pretend this isn't a reality. It feels like people are over-exaggerating about his dislikeability.

    Vivianwu June 2, 2018 12:46 am
    Who cares if he confessed or not? It doesn't change the fact that he's loved him for 2 years... Put yourself in his shoes, you'd be okay if some person came in seemingly out of nowhere, threw a wrench in your e... youraedthiswrogn

    No one is saying he has no right to feel the way he’s feeling, that’s not the thing here, what really is getting into me is the way he said that just because he had liked him first, the other shouldn’t go for the guy, like who the hell does he think he is? I put myself in his shoes ofc I would feel bad bc heck someone is trying to get the attention of the person I like. However, even if someone comes out of nowhere and the person I like seems ok with his presence, advances or whatever that doesn’t mean I have the right to tell others not to come between us because I have liked him first, that’s nuts, especially since they don’t even have something going on, but I guess his jealousy is what spoke for him there. He has the right to be upset, to feel threatened, to cry, to scream or do whatever his heart feels like doing, just he shouldn’t decide for others, and tell them not to try to make a move in the man, like whether the captain accepts others or not, it’s none of the green hair dude’s business

    youraedthiswrogn June 2, 2018 1:07 am
    No one is saying he has no right to feel the way he’s feeling, that’s not the thing here, what really is getting into me is the way he said that just because he had liked him first, the other shouldn’t go... Vivianwu

    You really think that was what he was saying? Like, i inow what dialogue you're talking about, but i feel like for you to take it at face value to the extent you are is kind of... Reaching. They're at least in high school, i don't think his reasoning is set to "i had a crush first, so you can't". I think he was just jealous and upset so he mentioned the reason why, because he's had a crush on him for 2 years. It sounded like rather than saying "i had a crush 1st, so you can't." he was saying "this is bullshit, i've had a crush for two years, where do you get off appearing out of nowhere after all this time and stealing him away?". He was giving the reasoning for why he's pissed off. He didn't JUST say "i had a crush first", he also said "it's been 2 years".

    youraedthiswrogn June 2, 2018 1:12 am
    No one is saying he has no right to feel the way he’s feeling, that’s not the thing here, what really is getting into me is the way he said that just because he had liked him first, the other shouldn’t go... Vivianwu

    Also, yes, Val said (i'm quoting here): "Jaejin's liked Woojin for 2 years, but he hasn't confessed or said anything so he legit has no right to complain". Look at the comment everyone replied to, myself included. I'm arguing something specific, you guys are derailing the argument. You're saying that "no one is arguing that", but it's actually you guys arguing something else.

    val June 2, 2018 4:37 am
    Who cares if he confessed or not? It doesn't change the fact that he's loved him for 2 years... Put yourself in his shoes, you'd be okay if some person came in seemingly out of nowhere, threw a wrench in your e... youraedthiswrogn

    soohyun loves him too time doesn’t matter he doesn’t have a right to separate soohyun and woojin loving him for two years doesn’t give him a right to do anything yeah he can hate soohyun but he can’t separate them or anything like that that’s just selfish as if he knows what woojin wants he doesn’t decide who woojin hangs around and anything else like yeah i know loving someone is hard especially for a long time and such but it still doesn’t give him a right it’s selfish if he wants anything to change he should confess and ofc i know it isn’t easy but nothing will change otherwise

    youraedthiswrogn June 2, 2018 11:13 am
    soohyun loves him too time doesn’t matter he doesn’t have a right to separate soohyun and woojin loving him for two years doesn’t give him a right to do anything yeah he can hate soohyun but he can’t se... val

    I'm not arguing that... My only point was that you saying he has no right to be upset because he hasn't confessed is illogical. i agree that he shouldn't be getting physical, as far as "separating" them, what do you mean? When did that happen? All i'm saying is that if he wants to be openly bitchy to blondie, while it is bad sportsmanship, it's fine because he doesn't like him. The circumstances allow that. I'm not arguing anything else. People who act like he's an asshole for not treating someone he dislikes nice just don't make sense. He's kept to himself most of the time despite his anger, he's been trying, but blondie just keeps getting closer to the team captain and it's getting harder for him to keep himself outwardly neutral towards blondie as he sees his crush reacting ambiguously. Again, him acting mean to his love rival isn't weird and doesn't make him an asshole, it just makes him a little petty when it comes to love. The only line he's really crossed is getting physical.