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Just saying...

addicted_angel June 12, 2018 6:19 pm

I saw a lot of arguments and bad comments regarding this manhwa and I just wanna share my opinion regarding the issue.

Other people tends to seek attention by using very provocative and insulting words about others. Bro whoever you are please remember that you are only reading OTHER PEOPLE'S work for free so what right do you have to say those words? Besides the author didn't ask you to read his/her story so if you don't like it just FVCK OFF! Other people are enjoying the series regardless of rape and your other concern. You have a point that the genre rape is no good but you also have to RESPECT.

Also many yaoi illustrations contains rape so if you hate it then don't read it. Simple as that. No need to emphasize your hate nor disgust for it unless your comment can help the author improve his/her work.


    Anonymous June 13, 2018 12:53 am
    This^ is what i was saying. You said "it can effect anyone" and i responded saying that the human mind isn't the same in each person. You literally just repeated my argument to what you were saying back at me. ... youraedthiswrogn

    Ah! The human brain isn't the same in each person. But science says everyone has the dormant trigger to be any kind of person and the murderer or rapist mentality is no exception. Anyone can go through that activation depending on so many factors ranging their lifestyle to various circumstances. A kid can become a murderer if the situation demands it.
    As for this argument about people getting influenced by media and fiction, yes again, not every person who reads this will be raping people tomorrow. But what are the pros of reading this work, this so called piece of entertainment? What does it teach you as a person? How have you become a better person after reading this? Yaoi is essentially porn in comic form and porn isn't exactly an impact-free form of entertainment so these questions need to be answered.

    addicted_angel June 13, 2018 2:41 am

    Rape being a topic of concern is not that uncommon. Reading stuff such as the scenario yaoi mangas provide could be taken in a positive light by using it as a knowledge reference for us to be aware that rape generally does not offer positive outcomes. Yaoi does not encourage individuals to literally rape others. Opening your mind and differentiating right from wrong is the basic common sense even for a child so I think that people with the right mind would actually not do this in reality.

    youraedthiswrogn June 13, 2018 8:51 am
    Ah! The human brain isn't the same in each person. But science says everyone has the dormant trigger to be any kind of person and the murderer or rapist mentality is no exception. Anyone can go through that act... @Anonymous

    Sure, maybe on an impressionable child. Also, look it up, but rapists,serial killers,etc. Usually have mental defects... ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Like, yeah, anyone CAN become a rapist, but not in the way you describe. Something would have to be broken, it's not a matter of reading books. This "conversation" is hilarious, so naive.

    youraedthiswrogn June 13, 2018 8:55 am
    Rape being a topic of concern is not that uncommon. Reading stuff such as the scenario yaoi mangas provide could be taken in a positive light by using it as a knowledge reference for us to be aware that rape ge... addicted_angel

    You're right, their argument isn't even worth debating... No, literature and media don't effect you to any major degree unless you were already open to the change in the first place. As i already said to them, your beliefs reject anything you don't identify with unless you're making a conscious effort to try and accept it, why would anyone try and accept rape unless they were open to it? A normal person is just like "no, it's rape and it's disgusting". ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    addicted_angel June 13, 2018 2:47 pm
    You're right, their argument isn't even worth debating... No, literature and media don't effect you to any major degree unless you were already open to the change in the first place. As i already said to them, ... youraedthiswrogn


    TheStardust June 15, 2018 4:12 am

    Eh, all that talk is pointless, you will seriously not change anyone’s behavior or views with that. It’s cute, but sad that you tried