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I love this manhwa, I used to 'accidentally' read ppl coment on bashing Alex, but ve calm ...

Bila021 June 30, 2018 8:48 pm

I love this manhwa, I used to 'accidentally' read ppl coment on bashing Alex, but ve calm ppl, you don't need to bashing him, its just the way he is, that's his characters, and it hasn't revealed yet why he so despice the idea of dating. You can express yourself but hey, remember that the seme characters is isn't always or should be a gentle, kind person who treat the uke very lovingly, then there's no struggles or exiting story developement when every story only has that kind of seme. So, be calm. If you hate the characters and can't stand them, drop it, search for another story. If you love it, read and wait for next chapter.
