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I can see the future~~~~

Evilcookie July 2, 2018 11:52 pm

I want him to not end up with her, Shinohara is dumb so she'll probably accidentally lead Izumi on for the whole manga. Then some nice girl will come along and genuinely like Izuni. Izuni will see this and start hanging with the other girl, then Shinohara will notice he's not around, get jealous and 'realize' she likes him. Shinohara will tell him and he'll be like "See ya nice girl now I got my dream girl". The end. (︶︿︶)=凸

    doggipp July 6, 2018 9:43 pm

    Shinohara is okay and everything but they just aren't compatible at all. Like you said, she is accidentally leading Izumi (because he's too 'pure' at these kind of stuff - meaning it's partially his fault for that), and it's probably gonna take a 3rd person to confess to Izumi before she goes all "oh no, someone is gonna take Izumi from me... But why am I so pissed about that? I shoud be happy for him! Could it be... That I like him?" [after she gets rejected by that guy tho]

    and then the mangaka f$@#s up and ends it Shinohara x Izumi because that's how it always go.