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Please. He is not pure, he succumbed to the self-pitying, an act of selfish egoism a sin. ...

somehow this made a wall July 3, 2018 2:07 pm

Please. He is not pure, he succumbed to the self-pitying, an act of selfish egoism a sin. Instead of improving himself through confrontation he prefers to capitulate with the current mindset. So from here on it leads eather to self-denial and depression or realization and self-affirmation. This logic can't be avoided and story takes the latter...

So if you want to help a boy or a young male in such a situation dont do it out of pity, dont nurture his ego of going easy on himself, it won't help the personal growth, rather worsen it. The best way is to be honest, not rude or mocking ofcourse, just stating a fact to help person realise what he is doing wrong.

It takes a girl to make boy into a man and vice versa. Shinohara is type of girl that is supidly honest and doesn't notice how flapping her wings make hurricanes - a typical fatal beauty.
"Well you see it's good that you are kind and gentle boy but, actually... I like bad guys", it's unlikely Izumi and her will end up together, he doesn't trigger her attraction in the slightest. And it's not bad, all people experience heartbreak in their lives, its a natural part of life, if it doesn't 'kill' us it helps us grow as individuals. So in his case, the faster he expiriences it the better.

I pretty much guess it will go like that, she will make him her cry pillow over her feelings for that other dude(forgot his name :P), he will accidentally confess his feelings in a 'commentary' way he does, hearing that Nao will shed tears as she had feelings for him, the group of friends would fall apart with all the drama going on. And then it will be all about them coming together in couples (or not) making up to become a group once again. Oh yeah, Izumi would also probably fall to the 'dark side' of his bitterness at some point and bring alot of grief to the group of friends (or some of them) or something like resorting to the underhanded tactic to get what he wants...

Basically it's a good manga.
