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wow the troll was kinda right... wtf that brat was sooo annoying THEN he let that other gu...

Daisy September 7, 2013 3:02 am

wow the troll was kinda right... wtf that brat was sooo annoying THEN he let that other guy rape him and get away with it?!?!?! he obviously just want sex. AND THEN THERE'S A LAST KISS!!!!! THIS MAKE NO FUCKIN SENSE!!!!

    Elena~ Chan May 26, 2014 3:27 pm

    That Whole Chapter annoyed the crap out of me...Especially When sensei Kissed the other Guy , Igh.

    Lunatic Bandit September 10, 2014 3:34 pm

    It makes plenty of fucking sense. You obviously are an ignorant, one track minded person. OF COURSE YOU WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND. Try looking at the different perspectives in this case.

    What you see is "...that brat was sooo annoying THEN he let that other guy rape him and get away with it?!?!?! he obviously just want sex. AND THEN THERE'S A LAST KISS!!!!!"

    What I see:
    1. There's no rape. Minami was willing.
    2. Minami sure as hell DID NOT just want sex. You idiot. It was a face-off between him and the Seme's ex-boyfriend (Yuuki) to try and renounce their relationship.
    3. That kiss was a way of Matsuda showing that "Hey, I'm sorry I was a jerk and didn't consider your feelings when I broke it off between us. And since you still have feelings for me here's a kiss to end it once-and-for all between us with no hard feelings."

    I've had YEARS of reading yaoi to back me up on this. It's really the psychological ones that played the major part.