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I'll finally say this after reading the last few chapters...

Sanquin July 5, 2018 2:19 pm

THANK YOU! Finally a manhua where the MC, after getting powerful, GETS TO SHOW OFF THAT POWER. No "Oh noes a stronger enemy arrived! I'm weak compared to him!" No "You're already far above what was considered powerful at the start of the manga but you're still trash!" Instead he invaded a prince's castle with ease, beat the crap out of him and his underling, and made the prince take him to his friend! Finally a manhua that does this!

Sure, I bet he will find more powerful opponents later on. But manhua like this get way too predictable if all that happens is "I beat this guy who was stronger than me when I was weak, but a stronger opponent is here and I'm weak again!" on an endless cycle. Martial arts manhua need moments like these too!
